Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incineration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Contaminants and remedial options at wood preserving sites / 1992
Continuous Emissions Monitoring Demonstration Program. 1995
Continuous performance monitoring techniques for hazardous waste incinerators (Report for January 1980 - March 1989 (Final).) 1989
Continuous performance monitoring techniques for hazardous waste incinerators / 1989
Control of air emissions from hazardous waste combustion sources : field evaluations of pilot-scale air pollution control devices / 1986
Control of air emissions from hazardous waste combustion sources : field evaluations of pilot-scale air pollution control devices / 1986
Control of air emissions from Superfund sites. 1993
Control of emissions from municipal solid waste incinerators 1989
Control of excavation depths at the Sikes Disposal Pits Superfund project. 1994
Control of industrial VOC emissions by catalytic incineration / 1985
Control of industrial VOC emissions by catalytic incineration / 1984
Control of industrial VOC emissions by catalytic incineration : volume 5. catalytic incinerator performance at industrial site C-3 / 1984
Control of industrial VOC emissions by catalytic incineration : volume 8. catalytic incinerator performance at industrial site C-6 / 1984
Control of Transient Incinerator Emissions with an Oxygen Based Combustion System. 1990
Control of VOC emissions from nonferrous metal rolling processes / 1992
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources / 1976
Control of volatile organic emissions from solvent metal cleaning / 1977
Control Technology Center News, Volume 1, No. 1, July 1989. 1989
Control Technology: 1992 Update of U.S. EPA's Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Emerging Technology Program. 1992
Controlling PCDD/PCDF Emissions from Incinerators by Flue Gas Cleaning. 1990
Corrosion studies in municipal incinerators / 1972
Cost of Clean Air. 1973
Costs for hazardous waste incineration capital, operation and maintenance, retrofit / 1985
Costs of air pollution abatement systems for sewage sludge incinerators / 1987
CRC handbook of incineration of hazardous wastes 1991
Cyclonic Incineration of Low Heating-Value Off-Gas. 1995
Deactivation of H2S of Cr2O3 emission control catalyst for chlorinated VOC destruction / 1990
Decanning and preparation of liquid silvex herbicides for incineration : final report 1984
Decision on ocean incineration permits / 1984
Decision-makers guide to solid waste management. 1989
Demonstration of a trial excavation at the McColl Superfund Site : applications analysis report. 1992
Demonstration of a trial excavation at the McColl Superfund Site : Applications analysis report. 1992
Demonstration of Hazardous Waste Site Treatment Technologies. 1989
Demonstration of the Sonotech, Inc. Frequency-Tunable Pulse Combustion System (CELLO Pulse Burner). 1994
Demonstration Project Abstracts, Solid Wastes Program. 1967
Demonstration Project Abstracts, Solid Wastes Program. Supplement A. 0
Description of Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory test and evaluation facilities. 1989
Description of Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory test and evaluation facilities.[microfiche]. 1990
Design and Control of Incinerators. Volume I. 1973
Design and Control of Incinerators. Volume II. Appendices. 1973
Design of sewage sludge incineration systems 1980
Designation of a site in the Gulf of Mexico for incineration of chemical wastes : final environmental impact statement / 1976
Destruction and disposal of PCBs by thermal and non-thermal methods 1983
Destruction and removal of POHCs in iron making blast furnaces / 1988
Destruction of dioxin-contaminated solids and liquids by mobile incineration / 1987
Destruction of dioxin-contaminated solids and liquids by mobile incineration / 1987
Destruction of hazardous wastes cofired in industrial boilers : pilot-scale parametrics testing / 1985
Destruction of hazardous wastes cofired in industrial boilers : pilot-scale parametrics testing / 1986
Destruction of industrial waste via cyclonic incineration / by Mark J. Khinkis. 1990
Destruction of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Catalytic Oxidation. 1990
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