Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Incineration)

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Select Item Title Year Published
American combustion pyretron destruction system : applications analysis report. 1989
American national standard : incineration of institutional low-level radioactive waste. 1998
An accounting system for incinerator operations / 1970
An evaluation of stabilization/solidification of fluidized bed incinerator ash (K048 and K051) / 1988
An investigation of alternative means for demonstrating compliance with the Part 503 Total Hydrocarbons Operational Standards / 1998
An investigation of alternative means for demonstrating sewage sludge incinerator compliance with total hydrocarbon emission standards : draft / 1997
Analysis of modified wet-air oxidation for soil detoxification / 1988
Analysis of the potential effects of toxics on municipal solid waste management options / 1995
Annual report on performance audit results for POHC testing during RCRA trial burns / 1989
Annual report on performance audit results for POHC testing during RCRA trial burns / 1989
Application of intelligent controls in EPA's combustion technology research and development / 1998
Application of pulse combustion to incineration of liquid hazardous waste : project summary / 1994
Applying for a permit to destroy PCB waste oil / 1981
Applying for a permit to destroy PCB waste oil : volums I and II / 1981
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Hazardous Wastes at Sea: Development and Field-Testing of the Marine Biological Assessment Sampler. 1987
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Organic Wastes at Sea: Development and Field-Testing of the Marine Incineration Biological Assessment Sampler. 1988
Assessing Potential Effects of Incinerating Organic Wastes at Sea: Using Research to Answer Management Questions. 1988
Assessment of emissions from a recent municipal waste combustor 1983
Assessment of emissions of specific compounds from a resource recovery municipal refuse incinerator / 1984
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes : Background report 4. comparison of risks from land-based and ocean-based incineration. Volume 2 appendices / 1985
Assessment of incineration as a treatment method for liquid organic hazardous wastes : summary and conclusions / 1985
Assessment of the impact of incineration of chemical wastes in the proposed North Atlantic incineration site on endangered and threatened species 1985
Assessment of VOC emissions and their control from baker's yeast manufacturing facilities / 1992
Assessment of wastewater management, treatment technology, and associated costs for abatement of PCBs concentrations in industrial effluents : task II for Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Toxic Substances / 1976
At a Glance: Resource Recovery and the Environment. 1995
At-sea incineration of organochlorine wastes onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1977
At-sea incineration, evaluation of waste flow and combustion gas monitoring instrumentation onboard the M/T Vulcanus / 1979
Audit materials for semivolatile organic measurements during hazardous waste trial burns / 1990
Audit of the Vulcanus Incineration Ship Prior to the August 1982 PCB Burn, Mobile, Alabama. 1983
Automation of sludge processing : conditioning, dewatering, and incineration / 1986
Automation of Sludge Processing: Conditioning, Dewatering, and Incineration. 1985
Available Disposal Capacity for Solid Waste in Illinois. 1991
Available Disposal Capacity for Solid Waste in Illinois. Eighth Annual Report. 1995
Available Disposal Capacity for Solid Waste in Illinois. Seventh Annual Report. 1994
B & W cyclone furnace technology. 1992
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone furnace vitrification technology : applications analysis report. 1992
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone furnace vitrification technology. 1992
Babcock & Wilcox cyclone vitrification technology / 1993
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictions phase III : Decharacterized wastewaters, carbamate wastes, and spent poltiners (final rule). 1996
Background document for capacity analysis for land disposal restrictiopns, phase III : Universal treatment standards and treatment standards for organic toxicity characteristic wastes and other newly listed wastes (final rule). 1994
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 1, capacity analysis methodology and results. Appendix A, organic waste phone logs. Appendix B, hazardous debris issues and concerns. 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 2, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 1). 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 3, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 2). 1992
Background document for capacity analysis for newly listed wastes and hazardous debris to support 40 CFR 268 land disposal restrictions (final rule) : Volume 4, appendix C - background data for incineration and cement kiln capacity (part 3). 1992
Background document for land disposal restrictions : Wood preserving wastes (final rule), Capacity analysis and response to capacity-related comments. 1997
Background Document for the Capacity Analysis to Support 40 CFR Part 268 Land Disposal Restrictions for Ignitable and Corrosive Wastes Whose Treatment Standards Were Vacated (Interim Final Rule). 1993
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