Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 501 - 550
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydrology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Fall Line Loadings of the Metals from the Potomac River Basin into Chesapeake Bay. 2001
Fates and biological effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in aquatic systems / 1983
Feasibility of ground-water features of the alternate plan for the Mountain Home project, Idaho 1957
Feasibility of the Metropolitan Water Intelligence System Concept (Integrated Automatic Operational Control). 1971
Fecal Indicator Bacteria Persistence Under Natural Conditions in an Ice-Covered River. 1976
Field manual for research in agricultural hydrology. 1979
Field manual of urban stream restoration / 1998
Field Study to Evaluate Leaching of Aldicarb, Metolachlor, and Bromide in a Sandy Loam Soil. 1993
Field Testing and Adaptation of a Methodology to Measure 'In-Stream' Values in the Tongue River, Northern Great Plains (NGP) Region - Executive Summary. 1978
Field Testing Wetland Identification and Delineation Manual 1987
Field Verification of HELP Model for Landfills. 1988
Final environmental impact statement for Mammoth Cave area, Kentucky, wastewater facilities. 1981
Final environmental impact statement for standards for the control of byproduct materials from uranium ore processing (40 CFR 192). 1983
Final Environmental Impact Statement for Utah Lake-Jordan River Qater Quality Management Planning Study 1976
Final Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load. 2011
Final report on measurement of the interaction between lake Michigan and the ground water of Wisconsin 1990
Final Supplement to the Final Environmental Statement, South Platte Division, Narrows Unit, Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, Colorado 1985
Finite elements in water resources : proceedings of the 4th International Conference, Hannover, Germany, June 1982 / 1982
First report on the hydrologic effects of underground coal mining in southern Garrett County, Maryland 1985
Fish and fisheries management in lakes and reservoirs : technical supplement to the Lake and reservoir restoration guidance manual / 1993
Fish Communities in Lakes in Subregion 2B (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) in Relation to Lake Acidity. Volume 1 and Volume 2: Appendices. Data Tape Documentation. 1990
Fitting the Red River of the North Basin to the General River Basin Simulation Program 1967
Five Year Program Strategy for the Great Lakes National Program Office, FY 1989-1993. 1988
Flood Forecasting in the Upper Midwest - Data Assembly and Preliminary Analysis. 1972
Floods / 1955
Floods on White Rock Creek at Dallas, Texas, in 1962 and 1964 / 1967
Florida Bay research programs : and their relation to the comprehensive Everglades restoration plan / 2002
Fluorometric Technique for Sampling in Large-River Ecosystems. 1971
Forced-Gradient Tracer Tests and Inferred Hydraulic Conductivity Distributions at the Mobile Site (Journal Version). 1988
Forest Compositional Change at the Confluence of Illinois and Mississippi River. Long Term Resource Monitoring Program. 1998
Forest Fertilization (A State-of-the-Art Review and Description of Environmental Effects). 1972
Forest hydrology / 1980
Forest hydrology : hydrologic effects of vegetation manipulation, part II / 1978
Forest hydrology : programed instruction / 1973
Forest management practices and natural events : their relation to landslides and water quality protection. 1983
Forestry and water quality 1972
Forestry and water quality 1983
Fourche Creek Urban Runoff Project. Volume 1. Summary Report. 1983
Fourche Creek Urban Runoff Project. Volume 3. The Data Report. 1983
Fox and Crescent Reservoirs Maintenance Project, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 2002
Fractal-Based Stochastic Interpolation Scheme in Subsurface Hydrology. 1993
Free-surface instability correlations and Roughness-concentration effects on flow over hydrodynamically rough surfaces / 1966
Fresh water / 1998
Freshwater wetlands for wastewater management environmental impact statement : phase I report. 1983
Fringe Wetlands in Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds: Landscape Position, Fringe Swamp Structure, and Response to Rising Sea Level. 1989
Functional profile of black spruce wetlands in Alaska / 1996
Fundamentals of environmental site assessment and remediation / 2018
Future Direction of Urban Water Models. 1976
FY 1980 Annual Report 1980
Galveston Bay : issues, resources, status, and management : proceedings of a seminar held March 14, 1988, Washington, D.C. 1989
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