Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydrology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Cumulative Impacts on Water Quality Functions of Wetlands. 1988
Current Status of Water Quality in Long, Johanna and Josephine Lakes - A Summary Report on the Detailed Evaluation Study of the Long Lake Chain of Lakes Improvement Project. 1983
CZAEM user's guide : modeling capture zones of ground-water wells using analytic elements / 1994
Dakota Aquifer Program : annual report, FY93 / 1993
Dale Hollow Reservoir, Clinton and Cumberland Counties, Kentucky and Clay, Overton, and Pickett Counties, Tennessee. 1977
Data from a hydrologic reconnaissance of the Beluga, Peters Creek, and Healy coal areas, Alaska / 1980
Database for the second macrodispersion experiment (MADE-2) 1993
Decisions with inadequate hydrologic data; proceedings. 1973
Deerfield Lake, Pennington County, South Dakota. 1977
Delaware Estuary Comprehensive Study. Chapter I. Hydrology. 1971
Delineating Bordering Vegetated Wetlands Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act. A Handbook. 1995
Delineation of source-water protection areas in karst aquifers of the Ridge and Valley and Appalachian Plateaus physiographic provinces : rules of thumb for estimating the capture zones of springs and wells. 2002
Delta revival : restoring a California ecosystem / 2003
Demonstration of a geographic information system for ground water protection / 1988
Demonstration of in-Receiving Water Storage of Combined Sewer Overflows: In a Marine/Estuarine Environment by the Flow Balance Method. 1990
Denver Federal Center Master Site Plan Final Environmental Impact Statement 1997
Deployment of Phytotechnology in the 317/319 Area at Argonne National Laboratory-East. Innovative Technology Evaluation Report. 2003
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field pocket guide. 1991
Design and location of a diffuser outfall for a municipal waste discharge at Ocean City, Maryland 1966
Design of networks for monitoring water quality / 1983
Design of stormwater filtering systems / 1996
Design of surface-water data networks for regional information / 1982
Detection of enteric viruses in East Tennessee public ground water systems / 2005
Determination of Discharge-Frequency Relationships Utilizing Non-Linear Hydrographs and a Modified Rational Formula. 1973
Determination, Assessment, and Design of 'In-Stream Value' Studies for the Northern Great Plains Region. 1974
Detroit River, Michigan: An Ecological Profile. 1988
Development and evaluation of a rubber "duck bill" tide gate / 1989
Development and Field Testing of a Basin Hydrology Simulator. 1973
Development of a pollutant monitoring system for biosphere reserves / 1978
Development of a Radon Protection Map for Large Buildings in Florida. 1996
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. 1973
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. Part 1. Methodology.. 1971
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. Part II. Peripheral Models of the Yellowstone Basin. 1972
Development of an Environmental Data Base for Rivers, Lakes, and Reservoirs. 1988
Development of Duration-Curve Based Methods for Quantifying Variability and Change in Watershed Hydrology and Water Quality. 2008
Development of New Techniques for Delineation of Flood Plain Hazard Zones. Part I: By Means of Detailed Soil Surveys. Part II: By Means of Air-Photo Interpretation. 1972
Development, calibration, and analysis of a hydrologic and water-quality model of the Delaware Inland Bays watershed / 2003
Diamond Chuitna Coal Project draft environmental impact statement / 1988
Diamond Chuitna Coal Project. Final Environmental Impact Statement. Volume 1. 1990
Diffusion and Dispersion in Porous Media - Salt Water Mounds in Coastal Aquifers. 1968
Diffusion from a source of mass for turbulent flow of water and of slurries in a pipe / 1959
Diffusion-induced instability in model ecosystems : another possible explanation of patchiness / 1974
Digital simulation in hydrology : Stanford watershed model IV 1972
Digital Simulation of Thunderstorm Rainfall. 1972
Digital Topographic Approach to Modeling: The Distribution of Precipitation in Mountainous Terrain. 1992
Dilution and water quality study : Jacksonville southwest POTW discharge, St Johns River, Jacksonville, Florida : May 6-11, 1996. 1996
Dilution models for effluent discharges / 1993
Dilution models for effluent discharges / 1994
Dilution study : Key West POTW discharge : Key West FL, May 9-16, 1994. 1994
Direct and Indirect Impacts of Urbanization on Wetland Quality. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 1. 2006
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