Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 401 - 450
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydrology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of livestock pasturing on nonpoint surface runoff / 1983
Effects of Low-Impact-Development (LID) Practices on Streamflow, Runoff Quantity, and Runoff Quality in the Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts: A Summary of Field and Modeling Studies. 2016
Effects of modified hydrology on Campbell River salmonids / 1976
Effects of phosphate mineralization and the phosphate industry on Radium-226 in ground water of central Florida / 1977
Effects of urbanization on streamflow and sediment transport in the Rock Creek and Anacostia River basins, Montgomery County, Maryland, 1962-74 / 1978
Effluent and Ambient Toxicity Testing in the Goeta Aelv and Viskan Rivers, Sweden. 1987
Electric Analog Model Study of the Hydrology of the Saginaw Formation in the Lansing, Michigan Area - 1963. 1970
Electrical Response of a Leak in a Geomembrane Liner. 1988
Electrical-analog analysis of hydrologic data for San Simon Basin, Cochise, and Graham Counties, Arizona 1965
Electrode Measurement of Redox Potential in Anaerobic Ferric/Ferrous Chloride Systems. 1989
Elements of applied hydrology / 1949
Elements of physical hydrology / 1998
Elkins mine drainage pollution control demonstration project. 1977
Elkton quadrangle (ELK) 1985
Elsevier's dictionary of hydrology and water quality management in five languages, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, and German / 1991
EMAP Symposium on Western Ecological Systems: Status, Issues, and New Approaches, Held April 6-8, 1999 at Holiday Inn, Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA. 1999
Emission rates for biogenic NOx / 1978
Energy Transportation Systems Inc., Coal Slurry Pipeline, Draft Environmental Impact Statement 1980
Engineering and design : hydrologic frequency analysis. 1993
Engineering and environmental challenges : technical symposium on earth systems engineering / 2002
Engineering hydrology. 1957
Engineering Hydrology: Part of an Interdisciplinary Study of the Hydrology of Water Yield Prediction. 1973
Enhanced characterization and representation of flow through karst aquifers / 2006
Environment Assessment Davis Canyon Site, Utah, Volume I, II and III 1986
Environmental aspects of chemical use in well-drilling operations : conference proceedings : May 1975, Houston, Texas / 1975
Environmental assessment : at-sea and land-based incineration of organochlorine wastes / 1978
Environmental Assessment, Appendices to Volume II Alton Pipeline, Allen-Warner Valley Energy System 1975
Environmental Carrying Capacity Case Study of Grand County Area, Colorado 1976
Environmental characteristics and water quality of hydrologic benchmark network stations in the midwestern United States, 1963-95 / 1999
Environmental characteristics and water quality of hydrologic benchmark network stations in the west-central United States, 1963-95 2000
Environmental characteristics and water quality of hydrologic benchmark network stations in the western United States, 1963-95 / 2000
Environmental Data Management in Support of Sharing Data and Management. Final Report. 2013
Environmental Factors in Coastal and Estaurine Waters. Bibliographic Series - Volume I. Coast of Oregon. 1966
Environmental features, general hydrology, and external sources of nutrients affecting Wilderness Lake, King County, Washington 1979
Environmental hydrology / 2016
Environmental hydrology / 2004
Environmental hydrology / 1995
Environmental hydrology. 2003
Environmental impact of land use on water quality : final report on the Black Creek Project (project data) / 1977
Environmental impact statement for a hypothetical 1000 MWe photovoltaic solar-electric plant / 1977
Environmental impacts of stormwater discharges : a national profile. 1992
Environmental Inventory of the Armand Bayou Coastal Preserve. 1991
Environmental Inventory of the Christmas Bay Coastal Preserve. 1991
Environmental isotopes in biodegradation and bioremediation [elektronische middelen] / 2010
Environmental isotopes in the hydrosphere 1982
Environmental Measurements: Valid Data and Logical Interpretation; Symposium. 1964
Environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) : surface waters monitoring and research strategy, fiscal year 1991 / 1991
Environmental monitoring and assessment program : surface waters implementation plan : northeast pilot lake survey, summer 1991 / 1991
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program, EMAP-Surface Waters: A Northeast Lakes Pilot. 1991
Environmental monitoring at Love Canal. 1982
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