Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Flow)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Influence of Molecular Structure of Rhodamine WT on Sorptive Transport in Subsurface Media Thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty 1991
International Containment Technology Conference : February 9-12, 1997, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA : conference proceedings / 1997
Introduction to the wellhead analytic element model. 1995
Investigations of coupled geochemical and transport modeling for the hazardous waste identification rule : project summary / 1996
Irreversible thermodynamic approach to simultaneous movement of water, heat, and salt through unsaturated soils 1970
Irrigation return flow water quality monitoring, modeling and variability in the middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico / 1983
Irrigation return flow water quality monitoring, modeling and variability in the middle Rio Grande Valley, New Mexico / 1983
Isolating potential flow zones during well construction API Standard 65 Part 2 2010
Kansas local government water-quality planning and management : decision maker's guide / 1999
Kansas local government water-quality planning and management : technical resource manual / 1999
Laboratory studies on the stability and transport of inorganic colloids through natural aquifer material / 1993
Large-scale dispersive transport in aquifers field experiments and reactive transport theory / 1988
Leachate migration from an in-situ oil-shale retort near Rock Springs, Wyoming / 1988
Letter report equipment evaluation task / 1986
Local government's role in groundwater clean-up / 1993
Manual of instructional problems for the U.S.G.S. MODFLOW model 1993
Material transport through porous media a finite-element Galerkin model / 1976
Mathematical primer on groundwater flow : an introduction to the mathematical and physical concepts of saturated flow in the subsurface / 1999
Measurement of sedimentary interbed hydraulic properties and their hydrologic influence near the Idaho Nuclear Technology and Engineering Center at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory 2003
Measurement of water movement in soil pedons above the water table / 1974
Mechanics of immiscible fluids in porous media / 1986
Mechanisms, distribution, and frequency of groundwater recharge in an upland area of western North Dakota / 1982
Methodology for mapping ground-water recharge areas in Delaware's coastal plain / 1991
Methodology, results, and significance of an unsaturated-zone tracer test at an artificial-recharge facility, Tucson, Arizona 1989
Methods and computer program documentation for determining anisotropic transmissivity tensor components of two-dimensional ground-water flow / 1987
Methods for estimating nonpoint source contaminated ground water discharge to surface water : reference manual / 1993
Methods of evaluating vertical ground water movement / 1984
Methods of flow measurement in well bores / 1974
Migration of poliovirus type 2 in percolating water through selected Oahu soils, 1970
Migration processes in the soil and groundwater zone / 1991
Modeling chemical transport in soils : natural and applied contaminants / 1992
Modeling chloride movement in the alluvial aquifer at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado 1977
Modeling contaminant transport through subsurface systems / 1992
Modeling groundwater flow and pollution : with computer programs for sample cases / 1987
Modeling groundwater flow and pollution with computer programs for sample cases / 1990
Modeling physics and chemistry of contaminant transport in three-dimensional unsaturated groundwater flow / 1984
Modeling the impact of ethanol on the persistence of BTEX compounds in gasoline-contaminated groundwater 2000
Modelling and low-level waste management : an interagency workshop : December 1-4, 1980, Denver, Colorado / 1981
Modelling of the Needle's Eye natural analogue 1990
Modelling variably saturated flow with HYDRUS-2D. 2003
MODFLOW '98 : proceedings : Golden, Colorado, October 4-8, 1998 / 1998
MODFLOW packages reference manual : the official documentation for MODFLOW add-on packages. 1999
MODFLOW packages used in Visual MODFLOW 1994
Modular Finite-Element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric ground-water-flow problems Design philosophy and programming details / 1993
Modular finite-element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric ground-water-flow problems design phylosophy and programming details / 1992
Modular Finite-Element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric ground-water-flow problems model description and user's manual / 1992
MODular Finite-Element model (MODFE) for areal and axisymmetric ground-water-flow problems Model description and user's manual / 1993
MOFAT, a two-dimensional finite element program for multiphase flow and multicomponent transport program documentation and user's guide / 1991
Movement of moisture in the unsaturated zone in a loess-mantled area, southwestern Kansas 1977
Movement of salt and hazardous contaminants in groundwater systems 1983
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