Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Flow)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance / 1997
Ground-water model testing : systematic evaluation and testing of code functionality and performance : project summary / 1997
Ground-water modeling of pumping effects near regional ground-water divides and river/aquifer systems in the Great Lakes Basin--results and implications of numerical experiments / 2005
Ground-water monitoring in Karst terranes : recommended protocols and implicit assumptions / 1989
Ground-water monitoring, F.Y. 1974 : Spokane Valley, Washington. 1974
Ground-water movements and bank storage due to flood stages in surface streams / 1963
Ground-water outflow from Chino Basin, Upper Santa Ana Valley, southern California, 1972
Ground-water quality, levels, and flow direction near Fort Cobb Reservoir, Caddo County, Oklahoma, 1998-2000 2001
Ground-water resources and simulation of flow in aquifers containing freshwater and seawater, Island County, Washington 1989
Ground-water resources of the Clifton Park area, Saratoga County, New York 2002
Ground-water resources of the Jenkins-Whitesburg area Kentucky / 1965
Ground-water-withdrawal and water-level data used to simulate regional flow in the major coastal plain aquifers of New Jersey 1988
Groundwater and surface water pollution / 2000
Groundwater flow and quality modelling 1988
Groundwater fluxes across interfaces / 2004
Groundwater hydraulics and pollutant transport / 2000
Groundwater manual for the electric utility industry 1985
Groundwater mechanics 1989
Groundwater modeling utilities 1992
Groundwater models for resources analysis and management / 1995
Groundwater pumping tests : design & analysis / 1987
Groundwater quality assessment and management: a stochastic modelling approach / 1991
Groundwater systems planning and management 1987
Groundwater tracer experiment (II) at Sand Ridge State Forest, Illinois 1983
Groundwater transport : handbook of mathematical models / 1984
Groundwater-surface water interaction in the Brazos River Basin : evidence from lake connection history and chemical and isotopic compositions / 2010
Guidelines for evaluating ground-water flow models / 2004
Handbook of groundwater engineering 1999
Heat as a tool for studying the movement of ground water near streams 2003
High-elevation mountain streamflow generation : the role of deep groundwater in the Rio Hondo Watershed, northern New Mexico / 2014
Hybrid numerical-analytical method for the solution of partial differential equations in ground-water modelling 1987
Hydraulic barriers in soil and rock a symposium / 1985
Hydraulic behaviour of an unconfined aquifer 1979
Hydraulic characteristics of, and ground-water flow in, coal-bearing rocks of southwestern Virginia / 1993
Hydraulic conductivity of the streambed, east branch Grand Calumet River, northern Lake County, Indiana / 1996
Hydraulic single-borehole techniques for characterizing hydraulic conductivity in highly permeable aquifers : slug test, borehole flowmeter test, and dipole-flow test / 2000
Hydraulics in the coastal zone : proceedings, 25th annual Hydraulics Division specialty conference, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, August 10-12, 1977 / 1977
Hydraulics of groundwater / 1979
HYDROGEOCHEM a coupled model of hydrological transport and geochemical equilibria in reactive multicomponent systems / 1990
Hydrogeologic and hydrochemical framework, South-Central Great Basin, Nevada-California with special reference to the Nevada Test Site : prepared on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission / 1975
Hydrogeologic characterization of fractured rock formations : a guide for groundwater remediators / 1995
Hydrogeologic characterization of fractured rock formations : a guide for groundwater remediators / 1996
Hydrogeologic factors that affect the flowpath of water in selected zones of the Edwards Aquifer, San Antonio region, Texas / 1996
Hydrogeologic framework and ground-water flow in the Fall Zone of Virginia 1999
Hydrogeologic framework and the distribution and movement of brackish water in the Ocean City-Manokin aquifer system at Ocean City, Maryland 1993
Hydrogeologic Framework of the Binational Western Hueco Bolson-Paso Del Norte Area, Texas, New Mexico, and Chihuahua: Overview and Progress Report on Digital-Model Development. 2009
Hydrogeologic framework, analysis of ground-water flow, and relations to regional flow in the fall zone near Richmond, Virginia 1997
Hydrogeologic framework, ground-water quality, and simulation of ground-water flow at the Fair Lawn well field Superfund site, Bergen County, New Jersey / 2005
Hydrogeologic map of the Death Valley region, Nevada and California, developed using GIS techniques 1997
Hydrogeologic setting and the potentiometric surfaces of regional aquifers in the Hollandale embayment, southeastern Minnesota, 1970-80 1984
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