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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Groundwater Flow)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of municipal ground-water withdrawals on the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer, Pontotoc County, Oklahoma 1994
Effects of pumping municipal wells at Junction City, Kansas, on streamfow in the Republican River, northeast Kansas, 1992-94 1996
Effects of pumping municipal wells at Manhattan, Kansas, on streamflow in the Big Blue and Kansas Rivers, northeast Kansas, 1992-94 1997
Effects of well discharges on hydraulic heads in and spring discharges from the geothermal aquifer system in the Bruneau area, Owyhee County, southwestern Idaho 1993
Electric analog studies of flow to wells in the Punjab aquifer of West Pakistan / 1972
Electric-analog studies of brine coming beneath fresh-water wells in the Punjab region, West Pakista 1968
Empirical studies of laminar flow in porous consolidated media / 1962
Enhanced characterization and representation of flow through karst aquifers / 2006
Environmental forensics : principles & applications / 2000
EPRI transport (ETRANS) module for flow and transport of solutes in the subsurface, version 1.0 computer code manual / 1993
Estimated availability of water from stratified-drift aquifers in the Concord River Basin, Massachusetts 1995
Estimates of macrodispersivity based on analyses of hydraulic conductivity variability at the MADE site 1989
Estimating hydraulic properties of the Floridan aquifer system by analysis of the earth-tide, ocean-tide, and barometric effects, Collier and Hendry counties, Florida / 2004
Estimating unsaturated flow properties in coarse conglomeratic sediment / 2014
Estimation of a water budget for the central part of the western San Joaquin Valley, California / 1992
Estimation of areas contributing recharge to selected public-supply wells in designated metro core areas of Upper Wicomico River and Rockawalking Creek basins, Maryland 2001
Estimation of hydraulic conductivity of a riverbed and aquifer system on the Susquehanna River in Broome County, New York / 1993
Estimation of infiltration and recharge for environmental site assessment / 1996
Estimation of natural groundwater recharge 1987
Estimation of recharge rates to the sand and gravel aquifer using environmental tritium, Nantucket Island, Massachusetts / 1986
Estimation of shallow ground-water recharge in the Great Lakes Basin / 2006
Evaluating the effects of nearshore development on Wisconsin lakes / 2006
Evaluation and design of geophysical monitoring network for groundwater contamination 1990
Evaluation of municipal withdrawals from the confined aquifers of southeastern Virginia 1988
Evaluation of processes affecting 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) concentrations in ground water in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California : analysis of chemical data and ground-water flow and transport simulations / 1999
Evaluation of saltwater intrusion and travel time in the Atlantic City 800-foot sand, Cape May County, New Jersey, 1992, by use of a coupled-model approach and flow-path analysis 1996
Evaluation of seepage from Chester Morse Lake and Masonry Pool, King County, Washington / 1967
Evaluation of tracers for following ground water flow 1978
Extending Darcy's concept of ground-water motion / 1964
Factors affecting areas contributing recharge to wells in shallow aquifers / 1993
FEMA : a finite element model of material transport through aquifiers 1984
Field application of parameter identification in groundwater contaminant transport modeling a case study / 1987
Field determination of the hydrologic properties and parameters that control the vertical component of groundwater movement 1983
Field evaluation of well flushing procedures 1985
Field transport of Cryptosporidium surrogate in a grazed catchment 2002
Final report on a geophysical and hydrological determination of the ground water flux through the bottom sediments of the upper connecting channels 1989
Final report on ground-water flow modeling study of the Love Canal area, New York / 1983
Final report to Great Lakes Program Office, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on development and deployment of a combined geophysical and hydrological system for the determination of ground-water flux through bottom sediments of lakes, harbors and rivers 1992
Finite difference methods as applied to the solution of groundwater flow problems 1974
Finite-difference interblock transmissivity for unconfined aquifers and for aquifers having smoothly varying transmissivity / 1992
Finite-difference model for aquifer simulation in two dimensions with results of numerical experiments 1976
Flow and contaminant transport in fractured rock / 1993
Flow and geochemistry along shallow ground-water flowpaths in an agricultural area in southeastern Wisconsin / 1998
Flow and transport in porous media and fractured rock : from classical methods to modern approaches / 1995
Fossil fuel combustion waste leaching code including the GMIN chemical equilibrium model and the HELP water balance model / 1993
Freshwater heads and ground-water temperatures in aquifers of the Northern Great Plains in parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming 1985
Fundamentals of ground-water modeling / 1992
Fundamentals of transport phenomena in porous media {Based on the proceedings of the first International Symposium on the Fundamentals of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Technion City, Haifa, Israel, 23-28 February, 1969}. 1972
Generalized estimate of ground-water-recharge rates in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan 1997
Generic model selection report for company name 1991
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