Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 155
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Financial Management)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A water and wastewater manager's guide for staying financially healthy. 1989
Accounting Guide for Construction Grant Projects. 1977
Agreed Upon Procedures on EPA's Fiscal Year 2008 First Quarter Financial Statements. Quick Reaction Report. 2008
Agreed-Upon Procedures on EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Fiscal Year 2008 Second Quarter Financial Statements. Quick Reaction Report. 2008
Allocation of Water Resources Projects Methodology: A Model for the Allocation of Funds for the Development of Water Resources. 1972
Alternative Financing for Solid Waste. General Proceedings, Region 4 Conference on Public-Private Partnerships. Held in Atlanta, Georgia on April 19-21, 1989. 1989
America's corporate families and international affiliates. 1983
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Overview of EPA's Progress After Two Years. 2011
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Site Visit of the Elizabeth City Well Field Expansion Project, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. 2011
An introduction to environmental accounting as a business management tool : key concepts and terms / 1995
Annual Report (8th), Water Resources Research Center. 1972
Appendices to Financial Management Trouble-Shooting Handbook. 1995
Audit report Audit of EPA's fiscal ... financial statements. 0
Audits and the superfund program manager. 1990
Audits and the Superfund Program Manager. 1991
Automated document control register (ADCR) user manual : Draft / 1983
Background Document for the Financial Test and Municipal Revenue Test Financial Assurance for Closure and Post-Closure Care: Appendix A and B. 1981
Benchmark Investigation of Small Public Water System Economics. 2000
Building water system capacity : a guide for tribal administrators. 2001
Check Up Program for Small Systems, Release 1.3.5, February 2010, User's Guide. 2010
Check Up Program for Small Systems, Release 1.3.7, December 2011, User's Guide. 2012
Combined sewer overflows : guidance for financial capability assessment and schedule development / 1997
Committed Obligated Expected Expenditures Plan (COEEP). 1992
Comparisons of Estimated and Actual Pollution Control Capital Expenditures for Selected Industries. 1980
Cost Reduction and Self-Help Handbook. 1986
Descriptive Summary: Survey of Operating and Financial Characteristics of Community Water Systems. 1982
Designing a Control System for Administering MEPA: The Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act. 1975
Detailed costing document for the centralized waste treatment industry / 1995
Detailed costing document for the centralized waste treatment industry / 1998
Determining Wastewater User Service Charge Rates (for Microcomputers). 1995
Determining wastewater user service charge rates : a step by step manual / 1992
Development and Application of a Water Supply Financial Reporting System. Volume 1. 1983
Development and Application of a Water Supply Financial Reporting System. Volume 2. 1983
Directory of EPA/state contacts by specialty. 1990
Disaster and emergency response mission assignment guide. 1997
Draft Environmental Impact Statement City of Los Angeles Wastewater Facilities Plan. Addenda I and II. 1977
Economic impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the centralized waste treatment industry / 1995
Economic impact analysis of regulatory controls in the dry cleaning industry : final. 1991
Economic Impacts of RCRA Regulations on the Plating and Polishing Industry. 1984
Economic Reappraisal of the Toledo Bend Multiple-Purpose Water Project. 1970
Emergency response cleanup services contracts (ERCS) : user's manual / 1990
Environmental Cost Accounting for Capital Budgeting: A Benchmark Survey of Management Accountants. 1995
Environmental cost accounting for chemical & oil companies : a benchmarking study / 1997
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Financial Capability Guidebook. 1984
EPA Needs Definitive Guidance for Recovery Act and Future Green Reserve Projects. Evaluation Report. 2010
EPA Needs to Improve Its Recording and Reporting of Fines and Penalties. 2010
EPA Needs to Strengthen Oversight of Government Furnished Property. 2006
EPA Should Further Connect the National Program Manager Process with Federal Guidance on Internal Control Risks. Audit Report. 2011
EPA Should Further Limit Use of Cost-Plus-Award-Fee Contracts. Audit Report. 2008
EPA State Revolving Fund Workshop. Held in Washington, DC. on July 25-26, 1989. 1989
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