Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cultures Biology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
Actinomycetes of sewage-treatment plants / 1975
Activity of Environmental Samples in a Cell Culture Test for Asbestos Toxicity. 1980
Aggregation of Clay Minerals and Marine Microalgal cells: Physicochemical Theory and Implications for Controlling Harmful Algal Blooms. 2001
An Ecological Approach to the Problem of Biodegradation of Phenolic Wastes. 1975
Analysis of a Marine Fish Cell Line from a Male Sheepshead. 1980
Benzene vapor depletion in the presence of plants / 1979
Bioavailability of 1-Nitropyrene from Model Coal Fly Ash and Its Uptake by Alveolar Macrophages. 1986
Biological Models of Freshwater Communities. 1973
Cell Growth in Plant Cultures: An Interpretation of the Influence of Initial Weight in Cadmium and Copper Toxicity Tests. 1994
Colonization Potentials of Male and Female E. coli K 12 Strains E coli B and Human Fecal E. coli Strains in the Mouse GI Tract. 1980
Combined Use of a Water-Insoluble Chemical Delivery System and a Metabolic Activation System in Whole Embryo Culture. 1984
Comparison of Ames 'Salmonella Typhimurium' Plate Incorporation Test Protocols. 1982
Comparison of Effluent Toxicity Results Using 'Ceriodaphnia dubia' Cultured on Several Diets. 1993
Coupled Microsomal-Activating/Embryo Culture System: Toxicity of Reduced beta-Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Phosphate (NADPH). 1980
Crayfishes (Astacidae) of North and Middle America / 1972
Critical Test of Methods for Isolation of Viruses for Use in Control of Nuisance Algae. 1973
Culturing and ecology of Diaptomus clavipes and Cyclops vernalis / 1974
Culturing and ecology studies of the rotifer, Polyarthra vulgaris / 1977
Culturing mysidopsis bahia : supplemental report / 1990
Cytotoxicity of Halogenated Alkanes in Primary Cultures of Rat Hepatocytes from Normal, Partial Hepatectomized, and Preneoplastic/Neoplastic Liver. 1985
Detection of Aneuploidy by a Monochromosomal Hybrid Cell Assay. 1987
Development of isolated mammalian embryo techniques for toxic substance screening / 1979
Disinfection Resistance of 'Legionella pneumophila' and 'Escherichia coli' Grown in Continuous and Batch Culture. 1985
Effects of a Hexachlorobiphenyl and Pentachlorophenol on Growth and Photosynthesis of Phytoplankton. 1982
Effects of Nitrogen Source on Crude Oil Biodegradation. 1994
Effects of Ozone on Sporulation, Spore Germination, and Growth of Fomes annosus. 1982
Effects of selected asbestos fibers on cellular and molecular parameters / 1979
Effects, Uptake, and Metabolism of Methoxychlor, Mirex, and 2,4-D in Seaweeds. 1976
Electron microscopic examination of Giardia cultures for viruses / 1990
Enteric Bacterial Degradation of Stream Detritus. 1971
Environmental Assessment and Overview of Biotechnology Process Applications. 1984
Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Microbial Degradation/Toxicity Data (BIOLOG), February 1987. 1987
Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Microbial Degradation/Toxicity Data (BIOLOG), June 1988. 1988
Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Microbial Degradation/Toxicity Data (BIOLOG), March 1986. 1986
Environmental Fate Data Base (ENVIROFATE): Microbial Degradation/Toxicity Data (BIOLOG), September 1989. 1989
Evaluation of WHO-IPCS Chemicals by the C3H10T1/2CL8 Morphological Transformation Bioassay. 1984
Experimental Apparatus for Evaluating Kinetics of Available Phosphorus Release from Aquatic Particulates. 1982
Experimental Studies on Phytoplankton Succession in Cayuga Lake. 1973
Extrapolation of Inhaled Particulate Toxicity Data from Experimental Animals to Humans. 1988
Filter extraction and Ames bioassay results for EPA particulate samples / 1984
Freshwater planarians (Turbellaria) of North America. 1972
Growth Measurements of Terrestrial Microbial Species by a Continuous-Flow Technique (Journal Version). 1987
Growth of 'Legionella pneumophila' in Continous Culture and Its Sensitivity to Inactivation by Chlorine Dioxide. 1984
Growth of 'Legionella pneumophila' in Continuous Culture. 1985
Growth of an Adherent Mixed Microbial Culture in a Substrate Limited Single State Chemostat. 1973
Guidance for Safety Testing of Baculoviruses. 1975
Guidelines for culturing the Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) / 1991
Handbook for evaluating water bacteriological laboratories / 1975
Handbook for evaluating water bacteriological laboratories. 1975
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