Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 109
Showing: Items 101 - 109
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Cultures Biology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
The effect of mirex and carbofuran on estuarine microorganisms / 1975
Toxicity of copper to daphnids in reconstituted and natural waters / 1976
Toxicity of metals to marine phytoplankton cultures / 1980
Toxicological Comparison of Natural and Cultured Populations of Aractia tonsa to Cadmium, Copper, and Mercury. 1978
Transfer of Conjugative Plasmids and Mobilization of a Nonconjugative Plasmid between 'Streptomyces' Strains on Agar and in Soil. 1988
Use of DNA:DNA Colony Hybridization in the Rapid Isolation of 4-Chlorobiphenyl Degradative Bacterial Phenotypes. 1986
Use of the Aquatic Oligochaete 'Lumbriculus variegatus' for Assessing the Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Sediment-Associated Contaminants. 1993
Use of the mixed flask culture (MFC) microcosm protocol to estimate the survival and effects of microorganisms added to freshwater ecosystems / 1989
Viable 'Legionella pneumophila' Not Detectable by Culture on Agar Media. 1987
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