Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Computer programming)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"SESOIL" : a seasonal soil compartment model / 1981
360 programming in assembly language. 1968
A Data reduction system for cascade impactors / 1978
A demonstration of areawide water resources planning / 1978
A discipline of programming / 1976
A FORTRAN program for determining an empirical expression for a quantity measured at combinations of several levels of each of two variables / 1965
A lagrangian approach to modelling air pollutant dispersion; Development and testing in the vicinity of a roadway. 1979
A Manual of General Statistical Programs for the Honeywell 400 Computer / 1967
A mathematical model of electrostatic precipitation / 1978
A model for regional air pollution cost/benefit analysis / 1971
A National compendium of freshwater fish and water temperature data. 1979
A PC based system for generating ekma input files / 1988
A user's guide for REDEQL. EPA : a computer program for chemical equilibria in aqueous systems / 1978
ACCOUNTING model for PRESTO-EPA-POP, PRESTO-EPA-DEEP, and PRESTO-EPA-BRC codes : methodology and users manual / 1987
Adaptation of Gaussian plume model to incorporate multiple station data input. 1975
Addendum/supplemental information for Valley, Crster, Isc. 1980
Addendum/supplemental information to the Industrial Source Complex (ISC) dispersion model. 1982
Addendum/supplemental information to the user's manual for single source (CRSTER) model. 1980
Addendum/supplemental information to the Valley model. 1982
Additional techniques for estimating MOBILE2 variables. 1980
Advanced Utility Simulation Model Documentation of System Design State Level Model (Version 1.0). 1988
AEROS manual series, volume III : summary and retrieval, update number 1. 1977
AEROS manual series. 1976
AEROS Manual Series. Volume III: Summary and Retrieval Manual. Update Number 2. 1979
Air Land Water Analysis System (ALEAS): A Multi-Media Model for Toxic Substances. 1984
Air Quality Data Handling System Users Manual. 1972
Air Quality, Implementation Planning Program. 1970
Aircraft Flight Procedures Program: Data Base Development. 1981
Aircraft Flight Procedures Program: Modified Computer Program Model - User's Manual. 1981
Algorithms + data structures=programs / 1976
Ambient versus predicted carbon monoxide levels / 1982
An SAB report : evaluation of EPA's research on expert systems to predict the fate and effects of chemicals / 1991
Analysis Models for Solid Waste Collection. Volume II. 1975
Analysis of Human Activity Profiles: User's Manual. 1980
ANNIE-IDE, a system for developing interactive user interfaces for environmental models : programmers guide / 1989
APL/360 programming and applications / 1976
APL/360; an interactive approach 1970
Application of a Digital Hydrologic Simulation Model to an Urbanizing Watershed. 1973
Application of a Digital Hydrologic Simulation Model to Piedmont Watersheds. 1972
Application of Binary Tree Structures to Hydrologic Network Simulators. 1972
Application of the DSDT Hybrid Computer Method to Water Resources Problems. 1971
APRAC-3/MOBILE 1 Emissions and Diffusion Modeling Package: User's Manual. 1981
Assembler language programming: the IBM System/360. 1969
Assessment of railroad fuel use and emissions for the regional air pollution study / 1977
Augmenting in-use fuel economy data bases with topographic, demographic and climatic data / 1981
Automate the boring stuff with Python : practical programming for total beginners / 2015
Bibliography on Grey Literature on Air Quality Modeling, Part II. New Modeling Techniques. 1978
Biomedical data validation through an on-line computer system / 1978
Calculating the pH of Calcium Carbonate Saturation. 1985
Calibration of a predictive model for instantaneously discharged dredged material / 1978
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