Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 404
Showing: Items 351 - 400
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Computer programming)

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Select Item Title Year Published
System for Industrial Waste Treatment RD and D Project Priority Assignment. 1971
System/370 job control language 1977
Systematic sensitivity analysis of air quality simulation models / 1979
Systems analysis study of solid waste collection management. 1977
Systems Study of Data Availability on Natural Gas. 1971
The AIRDOS-II computer code for estimating radiation dose to man from airborne radionuclides in areas surrounding nuclear facilities / 1977
The art of computer programming 1968
The book of R : a first course in programming and statistics / 2016
The design and analysis of computer algorithms / 1974
The dynamics of an estuary as a natural ecosystem, II / 1978
The elements of programming style / 1974
The hydrocarbon spill screening model (HSSM) : volume I: user's guide / 1994
The maximum likelihood approach to probabilistic modeling of air quality data / 1979
The mythical man-month : essays on software engineering / 1975
The national electrical code handbook [electronic resource], 2002
Tidal Hydrodynamic Simulation in Shallow Estuaries. 1971
Tonagrid - a Monte Carlo Program for Calculation of Neutron and Photon Transport in Ducts. 1970
Travel Time of Georgia Streams. 1973
UMTA transportation planning system reference manual / 1975
UNAMAP (Version 4) - Documentation Change 1. 1981
University of California, Riverside Environmental Chamber Data Base for Evaluating Oxident Mechanisms: Indoor Chamber Experiments through 1993. Volume 2. Appendices. 1996
Unsteady Flow in Sewer Networks. 1973
Unsteady Flow Toward Partially Penetrating Artesian Wells. 1971
Urban Runoff Characteristics. Volume I. Analytical Studies. 1976
Use of new analytical methods in water resource development / 1970
User's guide for CLOGP / 1984
User's guide for RAM / 1978
User's guide for the gas chromatography automation system / 1979
User's Guide for the Urban Airshed Model. Volume 5. Description and Operation of the ROM - UAM Interface Program System. 1990
User's Guide to Diffusion/Kinetics (DIFKIN) Code. 1972
User's guide to MOBILE2 (mobile source emissions model) 1981
User's guide to MOBILE3 (mobile source emissions model) / 1984
User's guide to the MESOPUFF II model and related processor programs / 1984
User's manual for chemical mass balance model / 1983
User's manual for mixing height computer program 1981
User's manual for OZIPM-4 : ozone isopleth plotting with optional mechanisms / 1989
User's manual for TOX-SCREEN : a multimedia screening-level program for assessing the potential fate of chemicals released to the environment / 1984
Users manual : data storage and retrieval system for pilot wastewater treatment research / 1978
Users manual for hydrological simulation program : FORTRAN (HSPF) / 1980
Users Manual for the ALAMO Demographic Report Generator Program (DEMCOM). 1981
Users Manual for the Social Survey Computer System. 1981
Using 1-2-3 1983
Using PageMaker IBM version / 1989
Using the Microcomputer during a Comprehensive Performance Evaluation: The Need for Judgement. 1986
Verification of a toxic organic substance transport and bioaccumulation model / 1983
Waste Heat Utilization in Wastewater Treatment. 1973
WASTOX (Water Quality Analysis Simulation for Toxics), a Framework for Modeling the Fate of Toxic Chemicals in Aquatic Environments. Part 2. Food Chain. 1985
Water Resource Observatory Climatological Data Water Year 1971. 1972
Water Resource System Optimization by Geometric Programming. 1971
Weighted sensitivity analysis of emissions data / 1973
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