Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 251 - 300
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Computer programming)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Numerical Studies of Unsteady Flow in the James River. 1971
Off-Line Analysis Programs for Long-Path Spectrometer. 1972
Optimum Reservoir Operation Using Stochastic Dynamic Programming. 1970
ORD ADP workshop proceedings no. 2 / 1976
Organic Pollutant Identification Utilizing Mass Spectrometry. 1973
Overview of Associative or Content Addressable Memory Systems and a KWIC Index to the Literature. 1971
Parameterization of Observed Hydrographs. 1970
Parametric methodologies of cloud vertical transport for acid deposition models / 1988
Particle-in-Cell Method for Numerical Solution of the Atmospheric Diffusion Equation, and Applications to Air Pollution Problems. Volume I. 1971
Particulate Data Reduction (PADRE) System Reference Manual. 1984
Pas - a Programming Language for Solving Structural Analysis Problems. 1971
Personal Property Accounting System. 1979
Pesticide orchard ecosystem model (POEM) : a user's guide / 1984
Photochemical oxidant modeling / 1975
Photochemical Oxidant Modeling. Volume II. Detailed Technical Report. 1975
Pilot Problem-Oriented Computer Language for Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering ('HYDRO'). 1966
PL/I for scientific programmers / 1970
Planning Models for Urban Water Supply Expansion. Volume 2. Cost Allocation Policies for Regional Water Supply Systems. 1987
Planning of Optimal Urban Water Supply Systems. 1971
Player's Guide. The River Basin Model. 1973
Plume2D : three-dimensional plumes in uniform ground water flow / 1985
Plume3D three-dimensional plumes in uniform ground water flow / 1985
PostScript language program design / 1988
Precipitation scavenging of fossil-fuel effluents / 1976
Predicting Equilibria for Single Solute and Multicomponent Aqueous-Phase Adsorption onto Activated Carbon. 1986
Prediction of mineral quality of irrigation return flow / 1977
Preliminary Design for Drinking Water Treatment Process Systems. 1986
Primer for MLAB (Mathematical Modeling Laboratory). An On-Line Modeling Laboratory. 1978
Principles of program design / 1975
Pro Active record : databases with Ruby and Rails / 2007
Problem solving and structured programming in FORTRAN / 1981
Procedure and Case Study Demonstrations for Evaluating the Cost of Thermal Effluent Control for Proposed Steam-Electric Generating Units. 1972
Procedure for Estimating Costs of Thermal Effluent Modifications for Existing Steam-Electric Generating Stations. 1972
Proceedings : stormwater management model (SWMM) users group meeting, 10-11 January 1980 / 1980
Proceedings : Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) Users Group Meeting, 19-20 June 1980 / 1981
Proceedings Number 1 of the OR and D ADP Workshop held in Bethany College, West Virginia on October 2-4, 1974. 1975
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group meeting, March 24-25, 1986, Orlando, FL / 1986
Proceedings of Stormwater and Water Quality Model Users Group Meeting, October 3-4, 1988, Denver, Colorado / 1989
Process Design and Cost Estimating Algorithms for the Computer Assisted Procedure for Design and Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Systems (CAPDET). 1982
Program to Determine Various Diversion Losses. 1971
Programmer's guide to the EGA and VGA cards 1988
Programmer's Manual for EXPLORE-I: A River Basin Water Quality Model. Appendix C. 1973
Programming the Macintosh user interface 1986
Project/ Space Shuttle - Space Shuttle Guidance, Navigation and Control Design Equations, Volume 1. 1971
QUAL-1 : simulation of water quality in streams and canals : program documentation and users' manual. / 1970
Quantity-quality simulation (QQS) : a detailed continuous planning model for urban runoff control / 1980
Quiet Communities Program Demonstration. 1982
Railroad Cash Flow Model Software Documentation. Volume 2: Case Flow Model User's Guide. 1982
Railroad Cash Flow Model Software Documentation. Volume 3: Cash Flow Model Programmer's Manual. 1982
Railyard Noise Exposure Model (RYNEM). Volume 1. Description of RYNEM Model. 1982
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