Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Coal gasification Environmental aspects)

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Select Item Title Year Published
300 Btu gas combustor development program : phase 1 1979
A network for monitoring the impact on surface water quality / 1980
Addendum : project listings for FY1977. 1978
Addendum to "Environmental assessment source test and evaluation report-Chapman Low-BTU gasification" / 1981
Adsorption of energy-related organic pollutants : a literature review / 1979
Analytical methods for hazardous organics in liquid wastes from coal gasification and liquefaction processes / 1982
Applicability of petroleum refinery control technologies to coal conversion / 1978
Aquatic effects of underground coal gasification wastewater and important constituents / 1979
Assessment of discharges from SASOL I lurgi-based coal gasification plant / 1983
Characterization and disposal of coal gasification waste products : phase II : topical report / 1987
Cleanup options organic-contaminated tailings / 1991
Coal conversion and the environment : chemical, biomedical, and ecological considerations : proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Hanford Life Sciences Symposium at Richland, Washington, October 19-23, 1980 / 1981
Coal gasification and IGCC in Europe 2006
Coal gasification commercialization phase III planning / 1978
Coal gasification environmental data summary : low- and medium -Btu wastewaters / 1986
Coal gasification environmental data summary : organics / 1986
Coal gasification environmental data summary : solid wastes and by-product tars / 1986
Coal gasification environmental data summary : sulfur and nitrogen species / 1986
Coal gasification environmental data summary : trace elements / 1986
Coal gasifier parameters influencing environmental pollutant production / 1981
Coal mine siting for the Ohio River Basin energy study / 1980
Coal-conversion technologies, some health and environmental effects / 1979
Coal/oil gasification site study : Region X / 1986
Control of emissions from Lurgi coal gasification plants / 1978
Effects of selected inorganic coal-gasification constituents on aquatic life an annotated bibliography / 1983
EIA guidelines for new source petroleum refineries and coal gasification facilities. 1994
Emissions from processes producing clean fuels / 1974
Emissions from synthetic fuels production facilities / 1977
Environmental and health aspects of disposal of solid wastes from coal conversion an information assessment : prepared for the Division of Fossil Fuel Processing, Dept. of Energy / 1978
Environmental assessment : source test and evaluation report - Lurgi (Kosovo) medium-Btu gasification, final report / 1981
Environmental assessment : source test and evaluation report Koppers-Totzek process / 1981
Environmental assessment : source test and evaluation report Koppers-Totzek process / 1981
Environmental assessment : source test and evaluation report, Riley Gas Producer / 1984
Environmental assessment data base for high-Btu gasification technology / 1978
Environmental assessment data base for low/medium-BtU gasification technology ... / 1977
Environmental assessment of high-BTU gasification : annual report / 1978
Environmental assessment of low/medium-BtU gasification / 1977
Environmental assessment report : Wellman-Galusha low-Btu gasification systems / 1980
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : addenddum--lurgi-type medium-Btu gasification. Volume 1. Technical report and appendix A / 1986
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : addenddum--lurgi-type medium-Btu gasification. Volume 2. Appendix B / 1986
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : addendum--lurgi-type medium-BTU gasification / 1986
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : Chapman low-BtU gasification / 1978
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : Lurgi (Kosovo) medium Btu gasification, phase 1 / 1979
Environmental assessment, source test and evaluation report : Wellman-Galusha (Glen Gery) low-Btu gasification / 1979
Environmental assessment, source test and evauation report : Wellman-Galusha (Ft. Snelling) low-Btu gasification / 1980
Environmental development plan (EDP). 1977
Environmental hazard rankings of pollutants generated in coal gasification processes / 1981
Environmental, health, and control aspects of coal conversion : an information overview / 1981
Environmental, health, and control aspects of coal conversion an information overview : prepared for the Energy Research and Development Administration, Assistant Administrator for Environment and Safety / 1977
EPA program status report, synthetic fuels from coal : including process overview with emphasis on environmental considerations / 1977
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