Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical reactivity)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Activation and Reactivity of Novel Calcium-Based Sorbents for Dry SO2 Control in Boilers (Journal Article). 1989
An experimental and modeling study of the photochemical reactivity of heatset printing oils / 1987
An SAB report : evaluation of EPA's research on expert systems to predict the fate and effects of chemicals / 1991
Association of Automotive Fuel Composition with Exhaust Reactivity. 1973
Behavior of Toxic Metals during Contact of Synthetic Coal Leachates with Maryland Coastal Plain Soil. 1995
Biomass Reactivity in Gasification by the Hynol Process. 1995
Characterization of Advanced Sorbents for Dry SO2 Control (Journal Article). 1988
Chemical characterization of model aerosols / 1976
Chemiluminescent reactive hydrocarbon analyzer for mobile sources / 1975
Comparison of Several Standard Materials and Techniques for the Warren-Averbach Determination of Microstructure Characteristics of Calcium Hydroxide Sorbent Materials. 1990
Determination of rates of reaction in the gas-phase in the troposphere : theory and practice. 4. Rate of indirect photoreaction / 1992
Determination of rates of reaction in the gas-phase in the troposphere : theory and practice. 5. Rate of indirect photoreaction / 1993
Determination of rates of reaction in the gas-phase in the troposphere theory and practice / 1992
Development and Evaluation of a Source Sampling and Analysis Method for Hydrogen Cyanide. 1997
Development of ozone reactivity scales for volatile organic compounds / 1991
Dual Function Sorbent/Catalyst Design for Energy Efficient Chlorinated VOC Destruction / 1997
Effect of hydrocarbon composition on oxidant-hydrocarbon relationships : phase II. blend of total hydrocarbon emissions / 1977
Effect of Satellite Lines from the X-ray Source on X-ray Diffraction Peaks. 1991
Effects of Iron Content in Coal Combustion Fly Ashes on Speciation of Mercury. 2001
Electronic Factor in QSAR: MO-Parameters, Competing Interactions, Reactivity and Toxicity. 1994
Emplacement Verification and Long-Term Performance Monitoring for Permeable Reactive Barrier at the USCG Support Center, Elizabeth City, North Carolina. 1998
Enhanced Formation of Dioxins and Furans from Combustion Devices by Addition of Trace Quantities of Bromine. 1998
EPA/ITRC-RTDF Permeable Reactive Barrier Short Course. Permeable Reactive Barriers: Application and Deployment. 1999
EPA/ITRC/RTDF permeable reactive barrier short course. 2000
Ester Hydrolysis Rate Constant Prediction from Infrared Interferograms. 1990
Estimation of Electron Affinity Based on Structure Activity Relationships. 1993
Estimation of Gas-Liquid Chromatographic Retention Times from Molecular Structure. 1994
Estimation of Hydrolysis Rate Constants of Carboxylic Acid Ester and Phosphate Ester Compounds in Aqueous Systems from Molecular Structure by SPARC. 2006
Estimation of Ionization Constants of Azo Dyes and Related Aromatic Amines: Environmental Implication. 1994
Evaluating the relation between ozone NOx and hydrocarbons : the method of photochemical indicators / 1998
Exhaust Emissions from 4-Stroke Lawnmowers: Reformulated Gasoline Impacts. 1997
Field applications of in situ remediation technologies : permeable reactive barriers. 1999
Field Evaluation (First) of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Selected CAAA Organic Compounds at a Coal-Fired Power Plant. 1997
Field Evaluation at an Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Facility of VOST and SemiVOST Methods for Selected CAAA Organic Compounds. 1997
Fixed-Bed Control of Mecury; Role of Acid Gases and a Comparison between Carbon-Based, Calcium-Based, and Coal Fly Ash Sorbents. 1998
Full-Scale Desulfurization of Stack Gas by Dry Limestone Injection. Volume III. Appendices I through L. 1973
Geochemical Features of Water-Rock Interactions at the Sulphur Bank Mercury Mine, Lake County, California. 1999
Ground water remediation of chromium using zero-valent iron in a permeable reactive barrier / 1998
Hourly Measurements of VOCs by AutoGC at the New Hendersonville, TN., Southern Oxidants Study Site, June 17-27, 1995. 1996
Improved parameterizations for surface resistance to gaseous dry deposition in regional-scale, numerical models / 1988
Indoor Emissions from Conversion Varnishes. 1996
Influence of Reaction Reversibility on Continuous-Flow Extraction by Emulsion Liquid Membranes. 1987
Innovative measures for subsurface chromium remediation : source zone, concentrated plume, and dilute plume / 1997
Investigation of the Reactivities of Limestone to Remove Sulfur Dioxide from Flue Gas. 1970
Kinetic Studies of the Reduction of Aromatic Azo Compounds in Anaerobic Sediment/Water Systems. 1987
Material Compatibility Evaluations of HFC-245ca, HFC-245fa, HFE-125, HFC-236ea, and HFC-236fa. 1997
Mathematical modeling of simulated photochemical smog / 1975
Mercury control research : effects of fly ash and flue gas parameters on mercury speciation / 1998
Mercury Speciation in Combustion Systems: Studies with Simulated Flue Gases and Model Fly Ashes. 1999
Methodology for assignment of a hydrocarbon photochemical reactivity index for emissions from mobile sources / 1975
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