Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1846
Showing: Items 751 - 800
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Bibliography)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental Studies Program bibliography 1973-1987 1989
Environmental toxicology / 1977
Environmental transport of chemicals bibliography / 1974
Environmental transport of chemicals bibliography, 1974
Environmental values, 1860-1972 : a guide to information sources 1976
Environmentalist's bookshelf : a guide to the best books / 1993
EPA ag-related publications / 2005
EPA cumulative bibliography, 1970-1976. 1976
EPA cumulative bibliography. 1976
EPA green building publications. 2009
EPA index : a key to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports and Superintendent of Documents and NTIS numbers / 1983
EPA information sources. 1991
EPA journal holdings report / 1994
EPA journal holdings report / 1992
EPA journal holdings report. 0
EPA national publications catalog 2000
EPA national publications catalog 2001
EPA National Publications Catalog / 1998
EPA national publications catalog / 1994
EPA national publications catalog / 1999
EPA National Publications Catalog / 1996
EPA national publications catalog / 1995
EPA national publications catalog 2000 / 2000
EPA national publications catalog 2001 / 2001
EPA national publications catalog 2003 / 2003
EPA National Publications Catalog 2006 / 2006
EPA national publications catalog {electronic resource}. 2003
EPA national publications catalog. 1994
EPA national publications catalog. 2003. 2003
EPA pesticide and WPS-related publications / 2003
EPA publications bibliography / 1977
EPA publications bibliography quarterly abstract bulletin. 1977
EPA publications bibliography, 1984-1990. 1990
EPA translations / 1972
EPA watershed tools. 2005
Epidemiologic bibliography : cancer, pesticides, and farming / 1988
Epidemiology of oral health 1969
Epidemiology studies : bibliography, health effects of arsenic / 1977
EPRI guide Communications resources / 1986
EPRI guide Computer programs and databases. 1986
EPRI guide Technical reports published ... 1985
ERL-C bibliography : 1975-Current. 1994
ERLGB publications and abstracts related to biotechnology. I, Microbial ecology, biochemistry and genetics / 1984
ERLGB publications and abstracts related to biotechnology. II, Biorational, microbial and biochemical control agents / 1984
Escambia, Santa Rosa, and Okaloosa Counties a checklist of selected research, 1965-1975 / 1975
Estuarine and marine pollution : selected studies on biological, bacteriological, and physical aspects, with major emphasis on the United States literature / 1961
Estuarine pollution : a bibliography. 1973
Estuarine pollution a bibliography : volume 3 / 1976
Estuarine radioecology a bibliography of report literature. 1970
Ethylene dibromide (EDB) : a selected bibliography. 1984
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