Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1846
Showing: Items 701 - 750
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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental and ecological effects of dredging : volume 2, January, 1977 - December, 1978 : Citations from the NTIS data base / 1978
Environmental and health aspects of acrylamide : a comprehensive bibliography of published literature, 1950-1981 / 1981
Environmental and health aspects of bromoethylene : a comprehensive bibiliography of published literature 1930-1981. 1981
Environmental and health aspects of chloroform : a comprehensive bibliography of published literature, 1930-1981 / 1981
Environmental auditing bibliography (by issue category) / 1984
Environmental challenges : industry, forestry, pollution, agriculture, energy crisis, urbanisation, population, economic planning, and ecological order : a global survey 1985
Environmental economics : a selected bibliography / 1981
Environmental education : August 1982-January 1985 : a bibliogrpaphy / 1985
Environmental education materials 1998. 1998
Environmental education publications / 1999
Environmental effects of U.S. Department of Agriculture conservation programs : a conservation effects assessment bibliography / 2004
Environmental factors in coastal and estuarine waters bibliographic series : volume I, Coast of Oregon / 1966
Environmental factors in coastal and estuarine waters: bibliographic series, volume 2, Coast of Washington : By G.R. Ditsworth. 1968
Environmental factors in coastal and estuarine waters; bibliographic series, 1966
Environmental health and toxicology a selected bibliography of printed information sources / 1990
Environmental impact assessment of the Hudson River ecosystem : multiple case study and data base review / 1985
Environmental information resources for state and local elected officials : solid waste. 1977
Environmental information resources for state and local elected officials : surface mining. 1977
Environmental information sources handbook. 1974
Environmental Investigations and Laboratory Services bibliography, 1993 / 1994
Environmental issues and sustainable futures : a critical guide to recent books, reports, and periodicals / 1996
Environmental issues in the Third World a bibliography / 1991
Environmental justice : annotated bibliography / 1994
Environmental justice bibliography (EJBib). 2002
Environmental Justice Program : Resource Bibliographies and Website Listings / 1998
Environmental Justice Program : Resource Bibliographies and Website Listings / 1998
Environmental justice: key resources for building a community of practice for local use planning. 2014
Environmental law : a guide to information sources 1977
Environmental law : a selective, annotated bibliography and guide to legal research / 1993
Environmental literature a bibliography 1973
Environmental management research : annotated bibliography: publications and active projects / 1976
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) cumulative bibliography / 1994
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) cumulative bibliography / 1995
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) cumulative bibliography / 1994
Environmental pollution : noise pollution, airplane noise : a DDC bibliography / 1971
Environmental pollution : noise pollution, sonic boom : a DDC bibliography. 1973
Environmental pollution : noise pollution--noise effects on human performance. 1973
Environmental pollution : noise pollution-ear protectors. 1975
Environmental pollution: air pollution - particulate matter ; a DDC bibliography. 1973
Environmental pollution: air pollution--exhaust gases; a DDC bibliography. February 1961-September 1970. 1971
Environmental pollution: noise pollution - sonic boom ; a DDC bibliography. 0
Environmental pollution: sanitary engineering and industrial waste ; a DDC bibliography. 0
Environmental protection : bibliography of GAO documents, August 1988-April 1990 / 1990
Environmental protection : bibliography of GAO documents, January 1985-August 1988 / 1988
Environmental protection. 0
Environmental racism and the environmental justice movement : a bibliography / 1995
Environmental research publications : a summary of publications and reports by staff members of the Corvallis Environmental Research Laboratory. 1976
Environmental research publications, 1971-1975 / 1975
Environmental research publications, January 1971-July 1973 / 1973
Environmental security : selected references / 1998
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