Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 1845
Showing: Items 501 - 550
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Select Item Title Year Published
Catalogue of national wetlands inventory maps for the states of Maryland & Delaware. 1982
Catalogue of national wetlands inventory maps for the states of New Hampshire & Vermont. 1982
Catalogue of OTA publications. 1993
Catalogue of publications 1994
CCAMP bibliographies : publications and maps / 1988
CD-CHROM chromatography database. {electronic resource} : 1994
Cell receptor-xenobiotic complexes as exposure biomarkers : literature summary and recommendations / 1989
Census catalog and guide. 1985
Chehalis River Basin bibliography. 1972
Chemical Abstracts Service source index : 1907-1989 cumulative. 1990
Chemical Abstracts Service source index : 1907-1999 cumulative. 2000
Chemical Abstracts Service source index. 1969
Chemical abstracts. 1907
Chemical additives for improvement of oil spill control / 1974
Chemical collection system / 1966
Chemical detection of gaseous pollutants an annotated bibliography / 1966
Chemical information sources 1991
Chemical safety and children's health : protecting the world's children from harmful chemical exposures : a global guide to resources / 2005
Chemical selection methods : an annotated bibliography / 1983
Chemical selection methods : an annotated bibliography / 1980
Chemigation, January 1970-August 1986 1987
Chemistry and effects of chlorine in aquatic systems : a selected, annotated bibliography / 1976
Chemistry and residues of 2,4,5-T (includes dioxins) 1973
Chemistry for non-science trained librarians and information scientists a selected annotated bibliography / 1979
Chesapeake Bay bibliography, 1971
Chicago Lakefront Demonstration Project an environmental information directory / 1977
Chinese immigration and Chinese in the United States : records in the Regional Archives of the National Archives and Records Administration / 1996
Chlorine and air pollution : an annotated bibliography / 1971
Chlorofluorocarbons : a selected bibliography / 1981
Chromate pollution of water, detection, effects and prevention : a bibliography / 1971
Chromatography for pollution and toxicological analysis (Jan 87 - Mar 88). 1988
Chromium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Chromium in water : a bibliography. 1972
Chromium, cadmium, arsenic, selenium, mercury, and aquatic life : a brief literature review 1971
Ciliated protozoa : characterization, classification, and guide to the literature 1979
Classified bibliography of publications concerning fluorine and its compounds in relation to man, animals, and their environment, including effects on plants. 1950
Cleanup and treatment of radioactively contaminated land including areas near nuclear facilities : a selected bibliography / 1982
Climate change and water supply, management and use : a literature review / 1992
Co-occurrence of drinking water contaminants literature search : final draft report / 1999
Coal and the environment abstract series : bibliography on mined-land reclamation / 1979
Coal desulfurization : a bibliography 1983
Coal desulfurization : a bibliography. 1983
Coastal Ecological Systems of the United States. / 1969
Coastal erosion management : annotated bibliographies on shoreline hardening effects, vegetative erosion control, and beach nourishment / 1991
Coastal marsh productivity : a bibliography : performed for the Coastal Ecosystem Project, Office of Biological Services, Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior / 1977
Coastal wetland restoration bibliography 1997
Coastal zone bibliography (annotated) 1973
Coastal/estuarine pollution, an annotated bibliography. 1970
Cobalt in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Cold regions air pollution bibliography and summary / 1984
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