Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 48
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Grand River)

Select Item Title Year Published
Appendix G, water use and stream quality, comprehensive planning study of the Grand River Basin, Michigan / 1969
Availability of pollutants associated with suspended or settled river sediments which gain access to the Great Lakes / 1979
Chemical quality of surface waters, and sedimentation in the Grand River drainage basin, North and South Dakota, 1964
Coal fired generating station : 490,000 kilowatts / 1976
Effect of Grand River spring runoff on Lake Michigan / 1977
Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Some Estimators of Fluvial Total Phosphorus Load. 1988
Grand (Neosho) Drainage Basin. A Cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1953
Grand (Neosho) River Investigation (Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas). 1940
Grand River (lower) watershed draft TMDL report. 2011
Grand River Basin, Michigan : comprehensive water resources study 1970
Grand River pilot watershed summary report 1978
Grand River, Ontario summary pilot watershed report / 1978
Grand-Chariton Drainage Basins. A cooperative State-Federal Report on Water Pollution. 1952
Immediate Water Pollution Control Needs, Grand (NEOSHO) River Basin, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma. 1967
Influence of land use and land cover on aquatic habitat in tributaries of the Grand River, Ohio / 2018
Lake Michigan water supply for west central Michigan. 1971
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency public notice : Grand River (lower) watershed total maximum daily load report. 2011
Point source studies 1976
Pollution from urban land use in the Grand and Saugeen watersheds / 1979
Preliminary investigation of the extent of sediment contamination in the lower Grand River / 1999
Preliminary Investigation of the Extent of Sediment Contamination in the Lower Grand River. 1999
Proceedings of Annual Water Conference (16th), held at Las Cruces, New Mexico on March 25-26 1971. 1971
Reconnaissance Evaluation. Municipal,and Industrial Water Supply Aspects of Proposed Bowman-Haley Project, North Fork, Grand River, North Dakota. 1960
Report and recommendations on water quality for the Rocky, Cuyahoga, Chagrin and Grand Rivers and their tributaries 1968
Report on Pollution of Lake Erie and Its Tributaries. Part II. Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan Sources. 1965
Revised Benefits for Low Flow Augmentation in the Grand (NEOSHO) and Cottonwood River. 1960
State of Michigan report on oxygen relationships of Grand River below Jackson : 1962 survey / 1963
State of Michigan report on oxygen relationships of Grand River, Lansing to Grand Ledge : 1960 study / 1962
Summary Report on Quality of Interstate Waters, Grand River (North Dakota - South Dakota). 0
Summary Report on Quality of Interstate Waters. Grand River (North Dakota - South Dakota). 0
The Effects of dredging on the chemical characteristics of the Grand River / 1980
The Felton-Herron Creek, Mill Creek pilot watershed studies / 1978
TMDLs and related water quality planning work in the lower Grand River watershed : what will be happening, and what are the implications for MS4 communities. 2010
Total maximum daily loads for the Grand River (lower) watershed : draft report for public review. 2011
Water Pollution in the Grand-Chariton Drainage Basins. 1952
Water quality studies 1976
Water resource conditions and uses in the Lower Grand River basin. 1968
Water resource conditions and uses in the Upper Grand River basin. 1961
Water resource study Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal Beaver-Mahoning and Grand River basins, Ohio and Pennsylvania : study of the effects of proposed canalization on water supplies and water quality and of potential needs and value of water for municipal, industrial, and quality control purposes / 1964
Water resources appraisals for hydroelectric licensing Grand River basin, Michigan. 1980
Water Resources Data for Colorado, Water Year 1980. Volume 1. Missouri River Basin, Arkansas River Basin, and Rio Grande Basin. 1981
Water Resources Study Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal Beaver-Mahoning and Grand River Basin Ohio and Pennsylvania. A Study of the Effects of Proposed Canalization on Water Supplies and Water Quality and of Potential Needs and Value of Water for Municipal, Industrial, and Quality Control Purposes. 1964
Water Resources Study, Grand River Basin, Iowa and Missouri. Study of Potential Needs and Value of Water Storage for Municipal, Industrial, and Quality Control Purposes. 1963
Water supply and stream quality, comprehensive water resources study of the Grand River Basin, Michigan : appendix G. 1969
Water Supply and Water Quality Control Study, Cedar Point Reservoir, Kansas. 1966
Water use and stream quality, comprehensive planning study of the Grand River Basin, Michigan : appendix G / 1968
Water use and stream quality, comprehensive planning stury [i.e. study] of the Grand River Basin, Michigan : appendix G / 1966
Watershed Analysis Relating to Eutrophication of Lake Michigan. 1971

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