Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 42
Showing: Items 1 - 42
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Kelly AND D AND G)

Select Item Title Year Published
A handbook of key federal regulations and criteria for multimedia environmental control / 1979
Aerial photography for shallow water studies on the west edge of the Bahama Banks, 1968
Alaska Military Sites Project 1996
Data report for acid model operational diagnostic evaluation study : G-1 aircraft results / 1991
Design criteria for stationary source catalytic combustion systems / 1979
Developing methods for analyzing oil dispersants in seawater / 1984
Development of the U.S. EPA Health Effects Research Laboratory Frozen Blood Cell Repository Program. 1990
Emission test report : fugitive test report at the Gulf Venice Gas Plant, volume 1 / 1981
Emission test report : fugitive VOC testing at the Texaco Paradis gas plant, volume 1 / 1981
Energy sources : conservation and renewables (APS, Washington, DC, 1985 / 1985
Estimated impacts of a hypothetical oil spill off Smith Point, Virginia 1976
Evaluating a mathematical model for predicting lake eutrophication 1975
Evaluation of Powdered Activated Carbon for Removal of Trace Organics at New Orleans, Louisiana. 1981
Evaluation of two approaches for improved nitrogen oxides monitoring in urban atmospheres / 1994
Frequency of leak occurrence and emission factors for natural gas liquid plants : final report / 1982
Groundwater quality monitoring recommendations for in situ oil shale development / 1983
Guideline for use of city-specific EKMA in preparing ozone SIPs / 1981
Guideline for use of city-specific EKMA in preparing ozone SIPs : draft / 1980
Improvement of Magnetically Separated Ferrous Concentrate by Shredding: A Performance Test. Test No. 4.07, Recovery 1, New Orleans. 1981
Intensive Survey of Bear Creek in West-Central Illinois, August-September 1992. 1994
Intensive Survey of the Bay Creek Watershed, July 1992. 1995
Intensive Survey of the Henderson Creek Basin, 1994. 1996
Intensive Survey of the Indian Creek Basin 1992. 1995
Intensive Survey of the Mackinaw River Basin 1994. 1997
Method Development and Field Measurements for Polar Volatile Organic Compounds in Ambient Air. 1993
Methods of dissolved oxygen budget analysis for assessing effects of dredged material disposal on biological community metabolism : final report / 1975
Microbe 1984 Thirty-sixth Symposium of the Society for General Microbiology, held at the University of Warwick, April 1984. 1984
Multimedia environmental goals for environmental assessment / 1977
Municipal Waste Combustion Multipollutant Study, Emission Test Report. Maine Energy Recovery Company, Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Biddeford, Maine. Volume 1. Summary of Results. 1989
Municipal Waste Combustion Multipollutant Study, Emission Test Report. Maine Energy Recovery Company, Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Biddeford, Maine. Volume 2. Appendices A-F. 1989
Municipal Waste Combustion Multipollutant Study, Emission Test Report. Maine Energy Recovery Company, Refuse Derived Fuel Facility, Biddeford, Maine. Volume 3: Appendices G-N. 1989
Phase Distributions of Airborne Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Two U.S. Cities. 1992
Prevention reference manual : control technologies, volume 1 : prevention and protection technologies for controlling accidental releases of air toxics / 1987
Prevention reference manual : user's guide overview for controlling accidental releases of air toxics / 1987
Sampling and Determination of Gas-Phase Hydrogen Peroxide Following Removal of Ozone by Gas-Phase Reaction with Nitric Oxide. 1986
Serological Differences in 'Legionella pneumophila' Infections. 1984
Survey of dry SO2 control systems / 1980
Technology evaluation report : SITE program demonstration test : the American Combustion Pyretron Thermal Destruction System at the U.S. EPA's Combustion Research Facility / 1989
Temporal dynamics and ecological process / 2014
Verification of Advanced Air Monitoring Systems. 1998
Verification testing of advanced environmental monitoring systems / 1998
Waste minimization assessment for manufacturer of mountings for electronic circuit components / 1994

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