Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 262
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (AUTHOR=Clifford AND D)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of current and proposed vehicle labeling programs / 1981
A guide to presenting technical information : effective graphic communication / 2000
A mobile drinking water treatment research facility for inorganic contaminants removal : design, construction, and operation / 1984
A Report on Stream Depletion of the San Juan River Basin in Colorado 1960
A summary of accidents related to non-nuclear energy. 1977
Accidents and unscheduled events associated with non-nuclear energy resources and technology / 1977
Acid-base chemistry 1986
Advanced combustion systems for stationary gas turbine engines. 1980
Air modulated vacuum oil recovery collection of spilled oil (foams) / 1972
American electricians' handbook a reference book for practical electrical workers. 1961
An assessment of mercury emissions from fossil fueled power plants / 1978
An evaluation of techniques for the measurement of low concentrations of trace gases in the atmosphere / 1970
An evaluation of the cost of point source nitrogen limits of treatment implementation in the Chesapeake Bay watershed / 2001
Analysis of timing and carburetion calibrations / 1976
Applying economics to the environment 2001
Arsenic (3) and arsenic (5) removal from drinking water in San Ysidro, New Mexico microfiche / 1991
Arsenic (III) and arsenic (V) removal from drinking water in San Ysidro, New Mexico / 1991
Arsenic (III) and arsenic (V) removal from drinking water in San Ysidro, New Mexico : project summary / 1991
Arsenic (III) oxidation and removal from drinking water / 1986
Arsenic (III) oxidation and removal from drinking water / 1986
Assessment of the contribution to personal exposures of air toxics from mobile sources / 2005
Assessment of vapor intrusion in homes near the Raymark Superfund site using basement and sub-slab air samples / 2006
Atlas of physical and chemical properties of Puget Sound and its approaches / 1974
Availability of water for artificial recharge, Plains Ground Water Management District, Colorado, 1970
Available technology for the control of nutrient pollution in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed / 1987
Back door to California : the story of the Mojave River Trail / 1986
Barite in Oklahoma, 1944
Baseline characterization and emissions control technology assessment of HD gasoline engines 1972
Basement rocks and structural evolution of southern Oklahoma, 1964
Biological process design for wastewater treatment / 1985
Butane freezing process for dewatering sludge 1976
Cephalopods from the stomachs of sperm whales taken off California 1989
Characteristics of spawning nests of Columbia River salmon 1951
Chemical impact of snow dumping practices 1974
Combined sewer overflow impact report / 2005
Combined sewer overflow study for the Hudson River conference / 1973
Combined Sewer Overflow Study for the Hudson River Conference. 1973
Comparison of Mutagen Accumulation in 3 Estuarine Species Using the Salmonella/Microsome Activation System. 1980
Conference on General Aviation Airport Noise and Land Use Planning, 3-5 October 1979, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia / 1980
Container standardization for category I liquid agricultural pesticides 1980
Cost analysis of proposed changes to 40 CFR part 600 to improve fuel economy labeling and the fuel economy data base / 1982
Creative common law strategies for protecting the environment 2007
Data analysis by resampling : concepts and applications / 2000
Demonstration of a waste disposal system for livestock wastes / 1973
Demonstration of a Waste Disposal System for Livestock Wastes. 1973
Demonstrations of innovative and conventional dredging equipment at Calumet Harbor, Illinois / 1988
Design of a water-disposable glass packaging container / 1971
Design of a Water-Disposable Glass Packaging Container. Part I: Protective Oxide Coatings for Glasses by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Part II: Mechanical Properties of Water-Soluble Sodium Silicate Glasses. Par t III: The Rate of Dissolution of Sodium Silicate Glasses in Aqueous Solutions. 1971
Development of a combined numerical boundary layer-Gaussian Puff Model / 1980
Development of a plan for a surface coal mine study. 1991
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