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Main Title Remote Detection of Moisture Stress: Field and Laboratory Experiments.
Author Carlso, Richard Eugene ;
CORP Author Iowa State Water Resources Research Inst., Ames.
Year Published 1971
Report Number ISWRRI-37; DI-14-31-0001-3015; OWRR-A-031-IA; 12582,; A-031-IA(5)
Stock Number PB-202 823
Additional Subjects ( Droughts ; Remote sensing) ; ( Leaves(Botany) ; Moisture content) ; Plant physiology ; Water balance ; Temperature ; Soybean plants ; Reflectivity ; Transmission ; Light(Visible radiation) ; Plants(Botany) ; Farm crops ; Agronomy ;
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-202 823 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 108p
Abstract The relationship between the spectral properties of leaves and the water status of leaves from three crop species was studied under laboratory conditions. The wavelength region examined was from 800 to 2,600 millimicns. Leaf reflectivity and leaf adsorptivity were highly correlated with relative leaf water content. The relationship between leaf transmissivity and relative leaf water content was variable with wavelength. Leaf transmissivity was, however, highly correlated with leaf specific densities. Relative leaf water content was estimated from leaf reflectivity. The data indicated that a field reflectometer could be constructed and possibly used to monitor leaf water status. In field experiments leaf temperature was significantly affected by relative leaf water content, air temperature, and vapor pressure deficit. A relative leaf water content by vapor pressure deficit interaction term affected leaf temperature. Air temperature affected leaf temperature by modifying stomatical conductivities and, hence, the leaf transpiration rate. The leaf temperatures of the two soybean varieties were different, dependent upon the dryness of the air. The density of both regular color and infrared color film taken directly above the canopy was related to canopy moisture stress.
Supplementary Notes Report on Measurement and Analysis of the Radiation Characteristics of Plants as a Means of Evaluating Drought.
NTIS Title Notes Completion rept..
PUB Date Free Form Jun 71,
Category Codes 2D; 64B; 52E
NTIS Prices PC A06 MF A01
Document Type NT
Cataloging Source NTIS/MT
Control Number 326521116
Origin NTIS
Type CAT