Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
228 water-borne disease outbreaks known to have occured in the 15 year period - 1946-1960 (Listed by State) / 1960
A comparison of measurement techniques to determine electric fields and magnetic flux under EHV overhead power transmission lines / 1978
A measurement of RF field intensities in the immediate vicinity of an FM broadcast station antenna / 1976
A method for predicting the performance of natural draft cooling towers / 1970
A methodology for determining the effects of fuels and additives on atmospheric visibility / 1975
A single genotype of Encephalitozoon intestinalis infects free-ranging gorillas and people sharing their habitats, Uganda 2002
A statement of concerns and suggested ecological research / 1975
A survey of alternate methods for cooling condenser discharge water, large-scale heat rejection equipment / 1969
A transient and steady state study of pure and mixed refrigerants in a residential heat pump / 1996
Acoustic methods for communicating through water-saturated sediments 1989
Adaptive Telemetry Systems Final Report, 1 May 1968 - 1 Feb. 1971. 1971
Adjustment of incidence rates for migration in indirect ecologic studies / 1984
Adjustment of incidence rates for migration in indirect ecologic studies / 1984
Advances in cryogenic heat transfer 1968
Advances in transport processes. 1980
AEP 765kV transmission line, American Electric Power transmission line construction, Jacksons Ferry, Virginia to Oceana, West Virginia : supplemental draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Agency catalog of data policies and standards. 1991
Agency catalog of data policies and standards. 1991
Agricultural Impact Statement, Creekview Interconnection Project / 2015
Air Pollution: Air Quality Criteria for Nitrogen Oxides. 1973
Air Pollution: Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter. 1971
Airborne asbestos levels in schools / 1983
Airborne contagion / 1980
Airborne transmission and airborne infection: concepts and methods presented at the VIth {i.e. IVth} International Symposium on Aerobiology. 1973
An analysis of broadcast radiation levels in Hawaii / 1975
An examination of electric fields under EHV overhead power transmission lines / 1977
Analysis of heat transfer in building thermal insulation 1980
Analytical Standards for the Analysis of Chrysotile Asbestos in Ambient Environments. 1985
Application of a Telephotometer to Visibility Measurements in the Eastern United States. 1981
Arizona interconnection project : proposed plan amendment and final EIS 1987
Assessment of the use of chemical reaction systems in electric utility applications 1979
Atmospheric Turbidity and Precipitation Chemistry Data for the World - 1973. 1975
Auto-answer circuit design for an Anderson Jacobson AD 342 modem / 1978
Bemidji - Grand Rapids 230 kV transmission line project : final environmental impact statement / 2010
Beyond California's power crisis : impact, solutions, and lessons : special report. 2001
Biological electron microscopy 1982
Biology of cholinergic function 1976
Bridger Hydrometeorological Data Acquisition System. 1967
Bridger Hydrometeorological Research Area and facilities : report 1967
Bridger Hydrometeorological Research Area and Facilities. 1967
Bridger instrument modification 1966
Bridger Instrument Modification. 1966
Bridger telemetry communications system 1967
Bridger Telemetry Communications System. 1967
Brookings County - Hampton 345 kV transmission line project : final environmental impact statement, January, 2010. 2010
Cables and Connectors - a Compilation. 1971
Calculating Troposcatter Interchannel Distortion Using a Monte Carlo Method. 1970
Champlain Hudson Power Express Transmission Line Project Environmental Impact Statement. Scoping Summary Report. 2010
Changes in the Submarine Light Regime for the Southern Indian River Lagoon and How Light Is Affected by Over-the-Water Structures. 1994
Characteristic Impedance of Rectangular Transmission Lines with Thin Center Conductor and Air Dielectric. 1977
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