Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A quality assurance program for the EPA/Shawnee wet limestone scrubber demonstration program / 1976
A study of radon and airborne particulates at phosphogypsum stacks in central Florida / 1988
A summary of the 1981 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1983
Abiotic Organic Reactions at Mineral Surfaces. 1986
AICE Survey of USSR Air Pollution Literature. Volume XVI. Some Basic Properties of Ash and Industrial Dust in Relation to the Problem of Purification of Stack Gases. 1972
Analysis of fuel samples from Baltimore, Detroit, and Philadelphia / 1986
Analysis of geothermal wastes for hazardous components / 1983
Application of Topographically Distributed Models of Energy, Water and Carbon Balance over the Columbia River Basin: A Framework for Simulating Potential Climate Change Effects at the Regional Scale. 1993
Approach for estimating global landfill methane emissions / 1991
Assimilation of Satellite Data in Regional Air Quality Models. 1997
Calculation of emission factors for agricultural burning activities / 1975
Characterization of Environmental Chambers for Evaluating Microbial Growth on Building Materials. 1992
Characterization of PIC Emissions from Combustion of Pentachlorophenol-Treated Wood Wastes. 1996
Chemistry laboratory manual for bottom sediments and elutriate testing. 1979
Collaborative study of method for stack gas analysis and determination of moisture fraction with use of Method 5 / 1974
Covers for uncontrolled hazardous waste sites / 1985
Crusting and Swelling Effects on Water Infiltration into Soil. 1973
Design and Control of Incinerators. Volume I. 1973
Design guidelines for agricultural soil warming systems utilizing waste heat / 1976
Development and Evaluation of an Instantaneous Atmospheric Corrosion Rate Monitor. 1985
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the wet storage, sawmills, particleboard and insulation board segment of the timber products processing point source category 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the wet storage, sawmills, particleboard and insulation board segment of the timber products processing point source category. 1974
Development of a Radon Protection Map for Large Buildings in Florida. 1996
Direct/delayed response project : field operations and quality assurance report for soil sampling and preparation in the Northeastern United States. Volume II, Preparation / 1987
Disjunctive kriging 3. Cokriging / 1986
Diurnal Water Relations of Walnut Trees: Implications for Remote Sensing. 1991
Dynamic Simulation of Vertical Infiltration into Unsaturated Soils. 1971
ECO Update: Selecting and Using Reference Information in Superfund Ecological Risk Assessments. Volume 2, Number 4, September 1994. 1994
Effect of Temperature and Pore Size on the Hydraulic Properties and Flow of a Hydrocarbon Oil in the Subsurface. 1994
Effects of Post-Implantation Exposure to Selected Pesticides on Reproductivity in Rats. 1981
Electromagnetic Pulse Sounding for Surveying Underground Water. 1972
Elimination of pollutants by utilization of egg breaking plant shell-waste / 1978
Environmental Factors in Design and Operation of Waste Water Sludge Drying Beds. 1971
Environmental Protection Agency performance test methods : parts I and II / 1978
Estimates of Analytical Accuracy, Repeatability, and Reproducibility from EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) National Coal Audit Program Data. 1985
Estimating Soil Water Content Using Cokriging. 1987
Evaluation of Refrigerant from Mobile Air Conditioners. 1989
Evaluation of rotary kiln incinerator operation at low-to-moderate temperature conditions / 1996
Evaluation of soil venting application / 1992
Evaluation of the MC-300A Soil Moisture Meter to Determine In-Place Moisture Content of Refuse at Land Disposal Sites. 1971
Evaluation of unsaturated/vadose zone models for Superfund sites / 1994
Example moisture mass balance calculations for bioreactor landfills / 2003
Example moisture mass balance calculations for bioreactor landfills. 2005
Exposure of Forests to Air Pollutants, Clouds, Precipitation and Climatic Variables. 1989
Field and Laboratory Testing of a Compacted Soil Liner. 1988
Field Sampling of Residual Aviation Gasoline in Sandy Soil. 1991
Fine shredding of municipal solid waste / 1976
Flood Forecasting in the Upper Midwest - Data Assembly and Preliminary Analysis. 1972
Grinder Evaluation and Development. 1970
Guidelines for development of a quality assurance program : volume III - determination of moisture in stack gases / 1974
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