Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Feasibility Study on the Application of Various Grouting Agents, Techniques and Methods to the Abatement of Mine Drainage Pollution. Part IV. Additional Laboratory and Field Tests for Evaluating and Improving Methods for Abating Mine Drainage Pollution.
CORP Author Halliburton Co., Duncan, Okla.
Year Published 1968
Report Number DI-14-12-31;
Stock Number PB-216 249
Additional Subjects ( Coal mines ; Sealing) ; ( Water pollution ; Mine water) ; Grouting ; Seismic surveys ; West Virginia ; Water pollution control ; Mine acid drainage
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-216 249 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 240p
The initial phase of this project involved the studies and investigations performed in the exploration of drift mines in the Upper West Fork River Sub-basin, West Virginia. Included as a part of the study was the application of various grouting agents and techniques to the abatement of mine drainage pollution. Part IV of the project is a modification of the original contract for the purpose of conducting additional field tests on methods and materials not previously evaluated in this project. The Part IV program includes an experimental test program, a seismic survey and study, and field construction tests and evaluation. The experimental test program was conducted for the purpose of determining improvements in techniques and materials previously used for remedial applications as well as consideration of different techniques which might be evaluated in field tests. The seismic survey and study included was for the purpose of locating hidden mine openings or thin high wall sections by seismic methods.