Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Mine acid drainage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Abatement of Mine Drainage Pollution by Underground Precipitation. 1973
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Measures for Selected Areas Within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Measures for Selected Areas within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid mine drainage formation and abatement / 1971
Acid mine drainage formation and abatement. 1971
Acid Mine Drainage Treatment by Ion Exchange. 1972
Acid Mine Pollution Effects on Lake Biology. 1971
Acid-Base Status of Pennsylvania Streams: Results from the National Stream Survey. 1989
Active Research Projects Report - Fiscal Year 1972. 1972
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
Analysis of Selected Samples for Metals Uptake. 1979
Appalachian mineral resource development : environmental factors / 1977
Applications of reverse osmosis to acid mine drainage treatment / 1973
Appraisal of Neutralization Processes to Treat Coal Mine Drainage. 1973
Aquatic Insects, with Emphasis on Trichoptera, of a Colorado Stream Affected by Coal Strip-Mine Drainage. 1981
Aquatic-Biotic Community Structure as an Indicator of Pollution. 1972
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix B-5. The Restoration and Maintenance of High Quality Water. 1978
Biological Survey of the Upper Potomac River and Selected Tributaries, 1966-1968. 1968
Biological Treatment of Acid Mine Water. 1971
Coal and the environment abstract series : bibliography on mined-land reclamation / 1979
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series. Bibliography on Disposal of Refuse from Coal Mines and Coal Cleaning Plants. 1978
Coal and the Environment Abstract Series. Mine Drainage Bibliography 1910-1976. 1977
Coal Mine Related Stream Sediment Geochemistry in Southern Illinois. 1984
Coeur d'Alene basin : EPA water quality monitoring (1972-1986) / 1988
Combination limestone-lime neutralization of ferrous iron acid mine drainage / 1978
Combination Limestone-Lime Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. 1972
Combined Treatment of Municipal Wastewater and Acid Mine Drainage. 1972
Comparative Limnology and Biota of Mine Spoils Ponds in Colorado (Journal Version). 1982
Concentrated Mine Drainage Disposal into Sewage Treatment Systems. 1971
Control of Mine Drainage from Coal Mine Mineral Wastes. Phase II. Pollution Abatement and Monitoring. 1973
Cooperative Mine Drainage Study Selected Areas in the Clarion River Basin. 1971
Cooperative Mine Drainage Survey, Kiskiminetas River Basin. 1972
Cost of reclamation and mine drainage abatement : Elkins Demonstration Project / 1970
Criteria for developing pollution abatement programs for inactive and abandoned mine sites / 1975
Cycling and Control of Metals. 1973
Design manual : neutralization of acid mine drainage / 1983
Determination of Estimated Mean Mine Water Quantity and Quality from Imperfect Data and Historical Records. 1973
Determination of Mine Waste Acidity. 1967
Development of a Priority Determination Procedure. 1972
Dewatering active underground coal mines : technical aspects and cost-effectiveness / 1979
Dewatering of mine drainage sludge / 1971
Dewatering of Mine Drainage Sludge, Phase II. 1973
Dewatering of mine drainage sludge. 1971
Disposal of Chemical Sludges and Brines. 1970
Effect of Strip Mining on Water Quality. 1973
Effects of Strip-Mine Discharges on the Marine Environment Near Cape Rosier, Maine. 1970
Effects of underground coal mining on ground water in the eastern United States / 1980
Effects of Various Gas Atmospheres on the Oxidation of Coal Mine Pyrites. 1971
Electrochemical removal of heavy metals from acid mine drainage / 1974
Enforcement Conference. Monongahela River and Its Tributaries. Mine Drainage Report to Conferees. 1971
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