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Select Item Title Year Published
1968 Geologic map of West Virginia / 1968
1970 census of population Number of inhabitants, West Virginia. 1971
1997 atlas of Chesapeake Bay Basin biological and living resources long term monitoring programs 1997
A field test of the EXAMS model: the Monongahela River study : James E. Pollard and Stephen C. Hern / 1983
A space on the side of the road : cultural poetics in an "other" America / 1996
A stream condition index for West Virginia wadeable streams : Prepared for: U.S. EPA Region 3 Environmental Services Division, and U.S. EPA Office of Science and Technology, Office of Water; work assignment managers: James Green (Region 3) and William Swietlik (OST); prepared by: Tetra Tech, Inc. 2000
A stream condition index for West Virginia wadeable streams [REVISED] / 2000
A study of nutrient levels in the Monongahela River in West Virginia / 1971
A subsurface study of the Greenbrier limestone in West Virginia. 1956
A test of proposed procedures for evaluation of water and related land resources projects (Water Resources Council) : a special study of Stonewall Jackson Lake, West Fork River and tributaries, West Virginia / 1970
AAA Mid-Atlantic tourbook. 0
Abstract booklet : 2004 joint conference : 21st American Society of Mining and Reclamation meeting ; 25th West Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium : April 18-22, 2004, Morgantown, WV. 2004
Acid precipitation and drinking water quality in the eastern United States / 1984
Activated Carbon Filter Bed Efficiency at the Nitro, West Virginia Water Filtration Plant. 1972
ADAP project at Moundsville, W. Va. : final environmental statement. 1973
Administration action for project 4023, West Virginia route 56, Ravenswood connector to interstate 77 Jackson County : final environmental statement / 1973
Administration action for project APD-200(24) Appalachian corridor "Q" Virginia State Line Eastward to Mercer County route 25, Bluefield, W. Va. - Mercer County / 1972
Administration action for Project APD-200(25) Appalachian Corridor "Q" US 460 - WVA 71 Mercer County 25 intersection to interstate 77 Princeton, W. Va. - Mercer Co. : final environmental statement / 1973
Administration action for project APD-506, Pike County, Kentucky from the Harvey Street Bridge to the West Virginia line : APD 323 Mingo County, West Virginia from the Kentucky line to 0.35 mile south of West Virginia route 14 : final environmental impact statement / 1975
Administration action for project APL-9422(001) Wheeling Hospital access road, County route 40/8, Ohio County, West Virginia : final environmental statement / 1972
Administration action for project DP-RF 312(15) relocation of WVA 2 Crown City to Mason County line Cable County, W. Va. : final environmental statement / 1973
Administration action for project F-FG-485(7) St. Albans - Scary Tompkins Crossing Bridge & Approaches U.S. route 35, Kanawha & Putnam Counties, W. Va. : final environmental statement / 1973
Administration action for project I-77-2(11)8 WVA Turnpike upgrading Princeton to Charleston : Mercer, Raleigh, Fayette & Kanawha Counties, West Virginia : final environmental statement / 1972
Administration action for projects 3880 (ER-161()) & 3892 (F-161()) Bridge Approaches to Chester & US route 30 Chester to Pennsylvania state line Hancock County, West Virginia : final environmental impact statement / 1973
Administration action for state Project APD-482(56) Appalachian Corridor "L" Cranberry (north of Beckley) to Bradley, Raleigh County, W. Va. : final environmental statement / 1975
Administrative action for Appalachian Corridor "D", US 50 relocation Clarksburg Expresswat to I-79, Harrison County, W. Va. : final environmental statement / 1975
Administrative action for project F-234(11) and I-470-1(1)0, West Virginia Route 2 from 33rd street to 16th street and Interstate 470 from Ohio state line to Baumann Avenue, City of Wheeling, Ohio County, West Virginia : final environmental impact/section 4(f) statement / 1974
AEP 765kV transmission line, American Electric Power transmission line construction, Jacksons Ferry, Virginia to Oceana, West Virginia : supplemental draft environmental impact statement / 2002
Air pollution episode, July 1972 / 1976
Air pollution regulations in state implementation plans : West Virginia / 1978
Airborne measurements of power plant plumes in West Virginia : Kammer and Mitchell power plants, 25 August-11 September 1975 / 1979
Alluvial stratigraphy of the Potomac River valley bottom near Petersburg and Moorefield, West Virginia 1989
Analysis of organic air pollutants in the Kanawha Valley, WV and the Shenandoah Valley, VA / 1978
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
Analysis of the crustacean plankton community of acidic Cheat Lake / 1980
Analysis of the supply potential for southern West Virginia low-sulfur coal 1976
Annual field trip of the Appalachian and Pittsburgh Geological Societies in the Great Valley in West Virginia : log of trip October 16, 17, 1964 1964
Appalachian connate water 1964
Appalachian Corridor H, Lorentz to Elkins, US 33, Upshur, Barbour, Randolph Counties, West Virginia : final environmwental impact / 1976
Appendix F, public responses : final environmental impact statement, land and resource management plan, Monongahela National Forest. 1986
Areawide environmental assessment for issuing NPDES new source coal mining permits in West Virginia. / 1981
Assessment of Carbon Sampling Artifacts in the Improve, STN/CSN, and Search Networks. 2008
Assessment of Dam Safety Coal Combustion Surface Impoundments (Task 3) Draft Report, Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Pleasants Power Station, McElroys Run Dam, Willow Island, West Virginia. 2009
Assessment of Dam Safety Coal Combustion Surface Impoundments (Task 3) Final Report, Allegheny Energy Supply Company, Pleasants Power Station, McElroys Run Dam, Willow Island, West Virginia. 2010
Assessment of Federal and State Enforcement Efforts to Control Air Pollution from Stationary Sources. (Report to the Congress). 1973
Atmospheric pollution in the great Kanawha River Valley industrial area [February 1950-August 1951] study / 1952
Baseline Assessment of Coal Industry Structure in the Ohio River Basin Energy Study Region. 1981
Beaver River basin : third threshold odor study : October 21-30, 1969 (fall round) / 1969
Bedrock geology of the Evitts Creek and Pattersons Creek quadrangles, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, 1964
Beech Fork Lake, Beech Fork of Twelvepole Creek Basin Cabell & Wayne Counties, West Virginia : final environmental impact statement / 1974
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