Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Chemical contaminants in nonoccupationally exposed U.S. residents /
Author Holleman, James W.
Other Authors
Author Title of a Work
Ryon, Michael G.
Hammons, Anna S.
CORP Author Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Information Division.; Health Effects Research Laboratory (Research Triangle Park, N.C.)
Publisher Health Effects Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Year Published 1980
Report Number EPA-600/1-80-001; W-7405-ENG-26
Stock Number ORNL/EIS-153
OCLC Number 07562766
Subjects Environmental health--United States ; Pollution--Environmental aspects--United States ; Environmental Pollutants--United States
Additional Subjects Environmental health--United States ; Pollution--United States--Environmental aspects ; Toxic materials ; Antimony ; Arsenic ; Asbestos ; Beryllium ; Biological effects ; Biological pathways ; Brominated aromatic hydrocarbons ; Cadmium ; Carbamates ; Chemical analysis ; Chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbons ; Chromium ; Cobalt ; Copper ; Environmental effects ; Environmental impacts ; Environmental transport ; Food chains ; Halogens ; Lead ; Man ; Manganese ; Mercury ; Metabolism ; Molybdenum ; Nickel ; Organic chlorine compounds ; Organic phosphorus compounds ; Pesticides ; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ; Selenium ; Thallium ; Toxicity ; Usa ; Vanadium ; ERDA/560306 ; ERDA/520200 ; ERDA/510200
Internet Access
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Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
EJED  EPA 600/1-80-001 OCSPP Chemical Library/Washington,DC 01/01/1988
EKBD  EPA-600/1-80-001 Research Triangle Park Library/RTP, NC 09/07/2001
ELBD ARCHIVE EPA 600-1-80-001 Received from HQ AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 10/04/2023
ELBD  EPA 600-1-80-001 AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH 11/14/2003
NTIS  ORNL/EIS-153 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation xiii, 138 p. ; 28 cm.
The manner in which chemical contaminants found in nonoccupationally exposed US residents enter the environment and subsequently human tissues is reviewed. Approximately 100 contaminants are treated. References used in the survey cover a 30-year period, with the bulk of the studies coming from the past 10 or 15 years. Contaminants discussed include organochlorine, organophosphorus, carbamate, and miscellaneous pesticides; polychlorinated and polybrominated bi- and terphenyls; halogen compounds; asbestos; mercury, lead, zinc, cadmium, copper, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, arsenic, antimony, thallium, chromium, cobalt, nickel, vanadium, beryllium; and others. Production; use; entry into the environment; entry, metabolism, and effects in man; and description and evaluation of methods of analysis and of the validity of the data are the chief aspects treated. For the pesticides indiscriminate use is the chief means of environmental entry. Entry into man is by ingestion of particulate residues and through foods, particularly fat-containing animal products. Sources of environmental entry for the metals and other elements are burning of fossil fuels, industrial operations, dissipative uses, and natural inputs; and from these sources into man by ingestion and inhalation. Some elements are essential or beneficial at one level of concentration and toxic at another. Discussions of the status of elements from this standpoint are included where appropriate. (ERA citation 05:027975)
"Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Information Center Complex, Information Division." "May 1980." "Contract No. W-7405-eng-26." Includes bibliographical references (p. 91-138).