Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Beryllium)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A case study of hazardous wastes in Class I landfills / 1978
Acute toxicity of selected toxicants to six species of fish / 1976
Air pollution aspects of beryllium and its compounds 1969
Air pollution aspects of beryllium and its compounds / 1970
Air Quality Data for Metals 1968 and 1969 from the National Air Surveillance Networks. 1973
Air quality data from the national air surveillance networks and contributing state and local networks / 1968
Ambient water quality criteria for beryllium / 1980
Ambient Water Quality Criteria: Beryllium. 1978
Analysis of a Wastewater for Seven Priority Pollutant Elements by D.C. Argon Plasma Emission Spectroscopy. 1982
Analytical method, procedure and evaluation relative to the referee method submitted for approved use in the national Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) as specified by the October 16, 1973 Federal Register : the determination of antimony, arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, lead, selenium, silver and tellurium in environmental water samples by flameless atomic absorption / 1977
Analytical Reference Service. Report on Water Trace-Elements No. 1. 1962
Application of modified aluminon and GFASS methods to beryllium determination in drinking water / 1992
Background information on development of national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants: asbestos, beryllium, and mercury. 1973
Background information on the development of national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : asbestos, beryllium, and mercury. 1973
Background Information-Proposed National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Asbestos, Beryllium, Mercury. 1971
Background information-proposed national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants: asbestos, beryllium, mercury. 1971
Beryllium 1979
Beryllium and air pollution: an annotated bibliography 1971
Beryllium and beryllium compounds 2001
Beryllium Behavior in the NASA Plum Brook Reactor. 1971
Beryllium biomedical and environmental aspects / 1991
Beryllium deposits of the western Seward Peninsula, Alaska 1963
Beryllium draft environmental impact statement. 1977
Beryllium fluoride : Expert evaluation of published research studies on the carcinogenicity and toxicity of selected chemicals / 1978
Beryllium health and safety guide. 1990
Beryllium in agricultural ecosystems : a bibliography of the literature 1950 through 1971 / 1973
Beryllium sampling methods Comparison of two personal sample collection methods with the AEC sample collection method as used for one year in a beryllium production facility. / 1976
Beryllium toxicity / 1992
Beryllium, cadmium, mercury, and exposures in the glass manufacturing industry. 1993
Beryllium. 1990
Biological Monitoring of Toxic Trace Metals. Volume 1. Biological Monitoring and Surveillance. 1980
Biological Monitoring of Toxic Trace Metals. Volume 2. Toxic Trace Metals in Plants and Animals of the World. Part I. 1980
Biological Monitoring of Toxic Trace Metals. Volume 2. Toxic Trace Metals in Plants and Animals of the World. Part II. 1980
Biological Monitoring of Toxic Trace Metals. Volume 2. Toxic Trace Metals in Plants and Animals of the World. Part III. 1980
Case of Chronic Beryllium Intoxication: Pathogenic Considerations and Diagnostic Value of the 'Patch-Test' (A Propos d'un cas d'Intoxication Chronique au Beryllium: Considerations Pathogeniques et Valeur du 'Patch-Test' pour le Diagnostic). 1970
Chemical contaminants in nonoccupationally exposed U.S. residents / 1980
Collaborative study of method 104 - reference method for determination of beryllium emission from stationary sources / 1974
Comparative Effectiveness of Some Aminoalkylphosphonic Acids in Excretion of Berillium from Rats (Sravnitelnaya Effektivnost Nekotorykh Aminoalkilfosfonovykh Kislot v Vyvedenii Berilliya iz Organizma Krys). 1972
Compilation of state data for eight selected toxic substances / 1975
Compilation of State Data for Eight Selected Toxic Substances. Volume II. Directory of State Toxic Substances Monitoring Agencies. 1975
Compilation of State Data for Eight Selected Toxic Substances. Volume IV. Compilation of Summaries and Analyses of State Data. 1975
Compilation of State Data for Eight Selected Toxic Substances. Volume V. Monitoring Program Capability Descriptor Tables. 1975
Comprehensive Study of Specified Air Pollution Sources to Assess the Economic Impact of Air Quality Standards Asbestos, Beryllium Mercury. Volume II. 1972
Comprehensive study of specified air pollution sources to assess the economic impact of air quality standards. 1972
Contribution to the Study of the Immunological Aspects of Chronic Berylliosis (Contribution a letude des Aspects Immunologiques de la Berylliose Chronique). 1971
Control techniques for beryllium air pollutants. 1973
Cycling and Control of Metals. 1973
Determination of hazardous elements in smelter-produced sulfuric acid / 1974
Determining Beryllium in Drinking Water by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. 1993
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the ore mining and dressing point source category. 1978
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