Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A framework for research on the human dimensions of global environmental change / 1991
A green history of the world : the environment and the collapse of great civilizations / 1993
A river ran wild : an environmental history / 1992
A synoptic approach to cumulative impact assessment : a proposed methodology / 1992
A watershed assessment primer / 1994
Abundance and Viability of Striped Bass Eggs Spawned in the Roanoke River, North Carolina in 1990. 1992
Aerosol effects on climate 1993
Aging in today's environment 1987
AIDE, A System for Developing Interactive User Interfaces for Environmental Models. 1990
Alaska habitat management guide. Arctic Region. 1986
Alaska habitat management guide. Southcentral Region. 1985
Alaska habitat management guide. Southwest Region. 1985
Always a river : supplemental environmental education curriculum on the Ohio River and water grades K-12 / 1991
An evaluation of the effects of anthropogenic activity on streamflow in the Columbia River Basin / 1997
Analysis and Assessment of Impacts on Biodiversity : a Framework for Environmental Management on DoD Lands Within the California Mojave Desert: A Research Plan. 1998
Animal investigation program 1981 annual report : Nevada test site and vicinity / 1983
Animal investigation program for the Nevada test site : 1957-1981 / 1984
ANNIE-IDE, a system for developing interactive user interfaces for environmental models : programmers guide / 1989
Aquatic and terrestrial resources of the Kenai River watershed : a synthesis of publications / 1997
Aquatic habitat indicators and their application to water quality objectives within the Clean Water Act / 1999
Assessment of risks to human reproduction and to development of the human conceptus from exposure to environmental substances : proceedings of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency-sponsored conferences, October 1-3, 1980, Atlanta, Georgia, and December 7-10, 1980, St. Louis, Missouri. 1982
Atlantic and Indian Oceans environment outlook / 2005
Atlas of the environment 1994
Atlas of the environment / 1990
Atmospheric environment, 1973
Atmospheric environment; a study of comfort and performance. 1972
Before nature dies. 1971
Biodiversity and Landscape Planning: Alternative Futures for the Region of Camp Pendleton, California. 1996
Biogeography, natural and cultural 1980
Biological effects of man-made mineral fibres : report on a WHO/IARC meeting, Copenhagen, 20-22 April 1982. 1983
Biometeorology : the impact of the weather and climate on humans and their environment (animals and plants) / 1980
Biosphere a Scientific American book. 1970
Biosphere reserves in action case studies of the American experience / 1995
Biotic interactions and global change 1992
Bottomland Hardwoods in the Tifton-Vadalia Upland of Georgia: A Conceptual Model for Ecological Risk Assessment. 1993
Carbon nitrogen sulfur : human interference in grand biospheric cycles 1985
Careless technology: ecology and international development; the record. 1972
Changes in the land : Indians, colonists, and the ecology of New England / 1983
Changing the global environment perspectives on human involvement / 1989
Chemical contaminants in nonoccupationally exposed U.S. residents / 1980
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media, a Data Base. Fifth Annual Report, October 1983. Volume VI, Part 1. 1984
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media, a Data Base. Interim Report, May 1982 Volume IV. 1982
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media. 1981
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media: A Data Base. Fourth Annual Report, October 1982. 1982
Chemicals Identified in Human Biological Media: A Data Base. Fourth Annual Report. 1982
Chesapeake Bay watershed : its land and people / 1999
Chlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans in perspective / 1986
CIAP monograph series 1975
Climate and human health proceedings of the symposium in Leningrad, 22-26 September 1986 / 1986
Climate and human health world climate programme applications / 1987
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