Main Title |
Modellierung und Simulation des Verhaltens von Umweltchemikalien in Boeden und Pflanzen (Modeling and Simulation of the Effect of (Environmental) Chemicals in Soil and in Plants). |
Author |
Matthies, M. ;
Behrendt, H. ;
Trapp, S. ;
McFarlane, C. ;
CORP Author |
Gesellschaft fuer Strahlen- und Umweltforschung m.b.H. Muenchen, Neuherberg (Germany, F.R.).;Corvallis Environmental Research Lab., OR. |
Publisher |
1992 |
Year Published |
1992 |
Report Number |
EPA/600/A-92/015; |
Stock Number |
PB92-143825 |
Additional Subjects |
Organic compounds ;
Environmental transport ;
Land pollution ;
Soil properties ;
Plants(Botany) ;
Herbicides ;
Mathematical models ;
Chemical properties ;
Biological properties ;
Environmental effects ;
Root distribution ;
Volatile organic compounds ;
Experimental design ;
Field tests ;
Kinetics ;
Reprints ;
Foreign technology
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
PB92-143825 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
6p |
Abstract |
The transport and transformation of organic chemicals in soil and plant can be assessed by a combination of laboratory and field studies with mathematical modeling taking into consideration the physical, chemical and biological processes. Simultaneous transport and transformation of herbicides (glufosinate, 2.4.5-T) in soil lysimeters and in the field can be predicted by steady-state or transient water and chemical transport models. The non-linear mineralization kinetics of metabolized organic chemicals (DEHP) depend on the concentration and the soil properties. Chemical sorption to roots can be predicted on the basis of correlation to the partitioning in n-octanol and water. Uptake and distribution of chemicals in plants is determined by a combination of partitioning, water flux and reflection at the endodermis. The results of the new plant uptake model show: hydrophilic and moderate lipophilic substances are uptaken into and translocated within plants. Very hydrophobic chemicals enter only roots. Volatile substances vaporize from soil and foliage surfaces. The variability of the environmental processes and the heterogenity of the soil structure enhance the uncertainty of model predictions under field conditions. |