Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Chemical compounds)

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Select Item Title Year Published
(Z)-9-tricosene (Muscalure) Final Work Plan: Registration Review Case 4112. Docket Number: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0925. 2010
1,1,2-trichloroethane bibliography 1980
10,10'-oxybisphenoxarsine (OBPA) : reregistration document (RED). 1993
1987 toxics release inventory : a national summary. 1989
1991 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 1993
1991 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1993
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : executive summary. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1995
1994 and 1995 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1995 updates : water quality criteria documents for the protection of aquatic life in ambient water / 1996
1996 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1996 toxics release inventory : public data release - 10 years of right-to-know : industry sector analyses / 1998
1998 toxic release inventory (TRI) data summary. 2000
1998 toxics release inventory : public data release : state fact sheets. 2000
1999 toxics release inventory : public data release / 2001
1999 toxics release inventory : state fact sheets / 2001
2DFATMIC Two-dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model users manual version 1.0 1997
3DFATMIC Three dimensional subsurface flow, fate and transport of microbes and chemicals model user's manual version 1.0 1997
4-phenylcyclohexene screening 1988
90-Dose LD50 and a Chronicity Factor as Measures of Toxicity. 1967
A Compendium of reported physical and chemical characterization data for petroleum and synthetic fuel products. Volume II, Direct coal liquefaction products / 1982
A fluorescence immunoassay technique for detecting organic environimental contaminants / 1975
A guide to pump and treat ground-water remediation technology. 1990
A literature review of wipe sampling methods for chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals / 2007
A method for determining the compatibility of hazardous wastes / 1980
A Process for regional assessment of wetland risk : Summary Report / 1992
A program to calculate size specific particulate emissions for mobile sources : a user's guide / 1985
A Review of ecological assessment case studies from a risk assessment perspective : volume II. 1994
A review of single species toxicity tests : are the tests reliable predictors of aquatic ecosystem community responses? / 1999
A study to determine the feasibility of using a ground-penetrating radar for more effective remediation of subsurface contamination / 1992
A user's guide for REDEQL. EPA : a computer program for chemical equilibria in aqueous systems / 1978
A user's guide for WASTOX, a framework for modeling the fate of toxic chemicals in aquatic environments / 1984
Acceptable common names and chemical names for the ingredient statement on pesticide labels / 1979
Acid/neutral continuous liquid/liquid extraction of priority pollutants and hazardous substance list compounds / 1988
Acute Eye Irritation Study in Rabbies C-47, C-48, and C-49. Final Report with Cover Letter. 1982
Acute Inhalation Toxicity Study in Rats with Hexabromocyclododecane with Attachments and Cover Letter dated 04/24/78. 1978
Acute Toxicity Studies in Rats and Rabbits with Cover Letter. 1982
Acute toxicity testing criteria for chemical substances / 1979
Aerosols Generated by Liquid Sludge Application to Land. 1981
Agricultural chemicals Herbicides / 1993
Agrochemical Hazards in Aquatic Systems and Evaluation of Such Hazards with Emphasis on Developing Countries. 1983
Air CHIEF / 2004
Air CHIEF / 2003
Air CHIEF, Version 12.0 (on CD-ROM). 2005
Air CHIEF, Version 4.0 (on CD-ROM with Search and Retrieval Software). 1995
Air CHIEF, Version 5.0 (on CD-ROM). 1997
Air CHIEF, Version 6.0 (on CD-ROM). 1998
Air CHIEF, Version 7.0 (on CD-ROM). 1999
Air CHIEF, Version 8.0 (on CD-ROM). 2001
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