Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2099
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Land pollution)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions : a guidance manual for petitioners. 1990
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions a guidance manual for petitioners : draft / 1992
1987 toxics release inventory : a national summary. 1989
1991 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1993
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : executive summary. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1995
1996 toxics release inventory : public data release - 10 years of right-to-know : industry sector analyses / 1998
2007 Annual Report NATO/CCMS Pilot Study. Prevention and Remediation in Selected Industrial Sectors: Sediments. Held in Ljubltana, Solvenia on June 17-22, 2007. 2007
20th Annual RREL Research Symposium : abstract proceedings / 1994
21st annual RREL research symposium : abstract proceedings / 1995
A Citizen's guide to air sparging. 1992
A citizen's guide to in situ soil flushing. 1992
A citizen's guide to innovative treatment technologies : for contaminated soils, sludges, sediments, and debris. 1992
A citizen's guide to phytoremediation : technology fact sheet / 1998
A citizen's guide to using indigenous and exogenous microorganisms in bioremediation. 1992
A Guide on remedial actions at Superfund sites with PCB contamination. 1990
A model of virus transport in unsaturated soil. 1992
A Phase I inventory of current EPA efforts to protect ecosystems / 1995
A program for the environmental assessment of conventional combustion processes / 1978
A study to determine the feasibility of using a ground-penetrating radar for more effective remediation of subsurface contamination / 1992
A Summary of leak detection methods for petroleum underground storage tank systems. 1990
A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging / 1992
A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging / 1992
Abstract proceedings : forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international : Atlanta, Georgia, June 19-21, 1989. 1989
Abstract proceedings : fourth forum on innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : domestic and international, San Francisco, CA, November 17-19, 1992. 1992
Abstract proceedings : Fourth Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : San Francisco, CA, November 17-19, 1992. 1993
Abstracts of phase I and phase II awards : Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) 1991. 1992
Abstracts of remediation case studies / 1995
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 2 / 1997
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 3 / 1998
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 4 / 2000
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 5 / 2001
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 7 / 2003
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 6. 2004
Accutech pneumatic fracturing extraction and hot gas injection : phase 1. Volume 1 / 1993
Accutech pneumatic fracturing extraction and hot gas injection, phase I. 1993
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 2. 1984
Acidification and Recovery of a Spodosol Bs Horizon from Acidic Deposition. 1990
Acidification of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Chemical Weathering. 1984
Acoustic location of leaks in pressurized underground petroleum pipelines / 1992
Action leakage rates for leak detection systems : supplemental background document for the final double liners and leak detection systems rule for hazardous waste landfills, waste piles, and surface impoundments. 1992
Activated Sludge Treatment of Selected Aqueous Organic Hazardous Waste Compounds. 1989
Administrative reforms for lead risk assessment. 1996
Adsorption of organic cations to soils and subsurface materials 1990
Adsorption of Surfactants (Chapter 7). 1991
Advancing Technology for Managing Mine Wastes: The National Environmental Waste Technology Testing and Evaluation Center Research, Development, Demonstration, Testing, and Evaluation Programs in USA. 1900
Aerobic Soil Microcosms for Long-Term Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Vapors. 1992
Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances (October 1997). 1997
Air emissions from the treatment of soils contaminated with petroleum fuels and other substances : final report / 1992
Air quality criteria for oxides of nitrogen. Volume 2. / 1991
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