Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Some Problems Related to Cleanup of Parathion-Contaminated Surfaces Following Spillage.
Author Wolfe, H. R. ; Armstrong, J. F. ; Staiff, D. C. ; Butler, L. C. ; Davis., J. E. ;
CORP Author Health Effects Research Lab., Research Triangle Park, N.C. ;Environmental Protection Agency, Wenatchee, Wash. Field Studies Section.
Year Published 1976
Report Number EPA/600/J-76/002;
Stock Number PB-267 877
Additional Subjects Insecticides ; Surfaces ; Decontamination ; Pollution ; Nitro compounds ; Phosphorus organic compounds ; Sulfur organic compounds ; Cleaning ; Absorbents(Materials) ; Materials handling ; Chemical cleaning ; Reprints ; Parathion ; Pesticide spells ; Phosphorothioic acid/O-O-(dimethyl-ester)-O-(nitrophenyl-ester)
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-267 877 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 7p
Research was conducted to determine the most effective techniques or methods for cleanup and decontamination of various wood, metal, and concrete surfaces following spillage of 45% emulsifiable parathion. This involved certain absorbents and chemicals, some of which are readily available in most areas and includes some of those more commonly used or suggested for cleanup and decontamination of parathion spills. Dry soil, attaclay, anhydrous filler, and sawdust were evaluated as absorbent materials used for initial pickup and prevention of spread of contaminated areas. Results of tests indicated that quick containment and absorption of pesticide spillage by such materials to prevent deep penetration into surfaces is very important because after deep penetration the pesticide has a tendency to move to the surface for some time after treatment even though decontamination procedures are thought to be successful in cleaning at the time. It was concluded that physical cleanup of a spillage is the most important procedure within the short time usually required for cleanup of a parathion spill, and more important than realiance upon degradation by use of suggested or recommended materials such as sodium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite, or other degrading chemicals.