Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1,1,2-trichloroethane bibliography 1980
10 year accomplishments report : State Coalition for Remediation of Drycleaners. 2008
1996 National Conference on Vehicle Washing : program proceedings & agenda / 1996
90-day toxicology study in Fischer-344 rats exposed to methyl ethyl ketone : final report / 1981
90-day vapor inhalation toxicity study on methyl ethyl ketone in albino rats : Toxigenics' study 420-0305 / 1981
A citizen's guide to drycleaner cleanup / 2011
A Compendium of Superfund field operations methods. 1988
A feasibility analysis of incinerator systems for restoration of oil contaminated beaches / 1970
A flushing system for combined sewer cleansing / 1972
A flushing system for combined sewer cleansing / 1972
A management review of the Superfund program / 1989
A Report on State/Territory Non-NPL Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Efforts for the Period 1980-1992. 1994
A Simple Guide to Perc Dry Cleaning Rules 1996
A Survey of Aircraft Maintenance Chemicals Suspected of Contributing to Water Pollution. 1971
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers. 1975
Abstract proceedings : Third Forum on Innovative Hazardous Waste Treatment Technologies, Domestic and International : Dallas, TX, June 11-13, 1991. 1991
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 8 / 2004
Abstracts of remediation case studies : volume 9 / 2005
Abstracts of Remediation Case Studies. Volume 10. Federal Remediation Technologies Roundtable. 2006
Abusive Ingestion of a Liquid Household Cleaning Product with EPA Acknowledgement Letter: Case Study. 1985
Accelerating potentially responsible party remedial design starts : implementing the 30-day study. 1992
Accessing federal data bases for contaminated site clean-up technologies / 1991
Accessing the $50 million set-aside in the remedial action budget for quick response at national priorities list sites. 1992
Additional guidance on "worst sites" and "NPL caliber sites" to assist in SACM implementation / 1993
Administration of the federal Superfund program : hearings before the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, second session, May 19, 1992 (liability issues), June 9, 1992 (risk assessment), June 30, 1992 (selection of remedy), July 28, 29, 1992 (federal facilities), September 15, 1992 (innovative and alternative cleanup technologies). 1993
Administration of the federal Superfund program : report of the Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, U.S. House of Representatives (including additional and dissenting views). 1993
Administration of the federal Superfund Program report / 1993
Administrative order on consent for remedial investigations/feasibility study. 1990
Advanced cleaning product formulations 1989
Advanced fossil fuels and the environment : an executive report. 1977
Advanced Waste Treatment Research Program. 1965
Aerosol Filtration Efficiency of Ventilation Air Cleaners. 1995
AESF/EPA (American Electroplaters and Surface Finishers/Environmental Protection Agency) Conference on Pollution Control for the Metal Finishing Industry (8th) Held at San Diego, California, February 9-11, 1987. 1987
Air Cleaning for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. 1995
Air Filter Particle-Size Efficiency Testing for Diameters Greater Than 1 mu m. 1988
Air Pollutant Emission Factors. 1970
Air pollution control of hydrocarbon emissions : solvent metal cleaning operations / 1976
Air Pollution Control Technology and Costs in Nine Selected Areas. 1972
Air pollution control theory / 1976
Alkaline and Stretford scrubbing tests for H2S removal from in-situ oil shale retort offgas / 1985
Alkaline and Stretford scrubbing tests for H2S removal from in-situ oil shale retort offgas / 1986
All Appropriate Inquiry Criteria Analysis/Comparison to State, Federal and Commercial Assessment Approaches. 2003
Alternative cleaning technologies for vapor degreasing and cold dip processes 0
Alternative Cleaning Technologies for Vapor Degreasing and Cold Dip Processes. 1992
Alternative clothes cleaning demonstration shop : final report / 1996
Alternative control techniques document : industrial cleaning solvents / 1994
Alternative control techniques document : offset lithographic printing, supplemental information based on public comment on draft control techniques guideline announced in Federa Register on November 8, 1993 / 1994
Alternative control technology document : halogenated solvent cleaners / 1989
Alternative Low-VOC, Low Toxicity Cleanup Solvents For the Lithographic Printing Industry. 2004
Alternative Low-VOC, Low Toxicity Cleanup Solvents for the Screen Printing Industry. 2005
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