Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 164
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Surfaces)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1978 winter municipal wastewater treatment facility : performance report / 1979
A guide to aeration/circulation techniques for lake management / 1977
A laboratory method to determine the retention of liquids on the surface of hands / 1992
A technique for predicting fly ash resistivity / 1979
Abiotic Organic Reactions at Mineral Surfaces. 1986
Additional Analysis of EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) 1984 Asbestos Survey Data. 1988
Adsorption of Organic Compounds onto Solids from Aqueous Solutions. 1971
Adsorption of Organic Compounds onto Solids from Aqueous Solutions. 1969
Adsorption, surface area, and porosity 1982
Analysis of an Air Cushion with Peripheral Jet Hovering over Water. 1971
Analysis of Fly Ash Produced from Combustion of Refuse-Derived Fuel and Coal Mixtures (Journal Version). 1982
Analysis of organic and biological surfaces 1984
Aquatic surface chemistry : chemical processes at the particle-water interface / 1987
Association of Microorganisms with Surfaces in Distribution Systems. 1991
Behavior of Constant Rate Aerosol Reactors (Journal Version). 1982
Biofilm Highlights [electronic resource] / 2011
Bubble Collapse Adjacent to a Rigid Wall, a Flexible Wall, and a Second Bubble. 1971
Building Effects on Heavy Gas Jet Dispersion. 1995
Calcination Kinetics and Surface Area of Dispersed Limestone Particles. 1985
Calcination of Calcium-Based Sorbents for Control of SO2 Emissions from Coal Fired Boilers. 1986
Catalyst evaluation for denitrogenation of petroleum residua and coal liquids / 1978
Characterization of solid constituents in blackwater effluents from coal preparation plants / 1979
Chemically modified surfaces in catalysis and electrocatalysis : based on a symposium jointly sponsored by the Divisions of Inorganic, Analytical and Petroleum Chemistry at the 182nd ACS National Meeting, New York, New York, August 23-25, 1981 / 1982
Chemistry of the solid-water interface : processes at the mineral-water and particle-water interface in natural systems / 1992
Comparison of methods to determine dislodgeable residue transfer from floors / 1996
Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and wildlife habitat : 17 case studies. 1993
Contact angle, wettability and adhesion; the Kendall award symposium honoring William A. Zisman, Los Angeles, Calif., April 2-3, 1963. 1964
Continued research in mesoscale air pollution simulation modeling. Volume IV, Examination of the feasibility of modeling photochemical aerosol dynamics / 1976
Control characteristics of carbon beds for gasoline vapor emmissions / 1977
Control of reentrained dust from paved streets / 1977
Control of steel plant scarfing emissions using wet electrostatic precipitators / 1976
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources / 1977
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources / 1976
CRC standard curves and surfaces 1993
Demonstration evaluation of biodegradable degreaser [electronic resource] / 2007
Design criteria for stationary source catalytic combustion systems / 1979
Developing spatially interpolated surfaces and estimating uncertainty. 2004
Development of analytical methods for specific lawn-applied pesticides in house dust / 1996
Development of Laser Instrumentation for Particle Measurement. 1971
Development of statistical distributions or ranges of standard factors used in exposure assessments : final report / 1985
Development study of a novel continuous-flow impactor / 1980
Dynamics of molecule surface interactions 2000
Ecoregions of the conterminous United States / 1986
Ecoregions of the Upper Midwest States / 1988
Effect of GAC Characteristics on Adsorption of Organic Pollutants. 1994
Effect of Silicate Grain Shape, Structure, and Location on the Biomass and Community Structure of Colonizing Marine Microbiota. 1981
Effects of interfacial properties on collection of fine particles by wet scrubbers / 1978
Effects of Oxygen Demand on Surface Reaeration. 1970
Effects of surface properties of collectors on the removal of charged and uncharged particles from aerosol suspensions / 1981
Effects of surface properties of collectors on the removal of charged and uncharged particles from aerosol suspensions / 1981
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