Main Title |
Comparison of owner perceived and EPA measured fuel economy / |
Author |
Rutherford, James A.
CORP Author |
Environmental Protection Agency, Ann Arbor, MI. Characterization and Applications Branch. |
Publisher |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Waste Management, Office of Mobile Source Air Pollution Control, Emission Control Technology Division, Characterization and Applications Branch, |
Year Published |
1977 |
Report Number |
EPA-AA-CAB-77-2 |
Stock Number |
PB81-119356 |
OCLC Number |
635565532 |
Subjects |
Fuel--Research--United States
Additional Subjects |
Fuel consumption ;
Automobiles ;
Trucks ;
Motor vehicles ;
Performance tests ;
Estimates ;
Perception ;
Opinions ;
Comparison ;
Fuel economy
Internet Access |
Holdings |
Library |
Call Number |
Additional Info |
Location |
Last Modified |
Checkout Status |
EPA AA-CAB-77-2 |
AWBERC Library/Cincinnati,OH |
11/14/2023 |
EPA AA-CAB-77-2 |
NVFEL Library/Ann Arbor, MI |
07/06/2010 |
PB81-119356 |
Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. |
07/26/2022 |
Collation |
42 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 28 cm |
Abstract |
Data from 1099 vehicles (model years 1974-1976) in the Fiscal Year 1975 Emission Factor Program are utilized in examining the differences between owner estimated fuel economies and fuel economies derived from EPA tests on the same in-use, consumer-owned vehicles. The discrepancies are examined in terms of absolute differences and percentages. Various vehicle classification, maintenance and utilization factors are investigated to determine their relationship to these discrepancies. The agreement in ranking of vehicles on fuel economy between owner determined and EPA determined economies is also investigated. |
Notes |
Cover title. "August 1977." "EPA-AA-CAB-77-2." |