Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2361
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Motor vehicles)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Engine horsepower modeling for gasoline engines" / 1976
--meeting the challenges for developing & commercialization environmentally efficient vehicles-- : proceedings of ESD Environmental Vehicles'95 Conference & Exposition, January 23-25, 1995, Dearborn, Michigan / 1995
14C Source Apportionment Technique Applied to Wintertime Urban Aerosols and Gases for the EPA Integrated Air Cancer Project. 1990
1973 national emissions data systems (NEDS) fuel use report / 1976
1975 gas mileage guide for new car buyers in California. 1975
1976 California gas mileage guide for new buyers. 1976
1976 California gas mileage guide for new car buyers. 1975
1977 California gas mileage guide. 1977
1977 California gas mileage guide. 1976
1977 gas mileage guide. 1976
1978 California gas mileage guide. 1977
1978 California gas mileage guide. 1978
1978 gas mileage guide. 1978
1979 EPA-Volkswagen light duty diesel correlation study : correlation report / 1980
1979 gas mileage guide / 1978
1979 gas mileage guide : California / 1978
1979 gas mileage guide : California / 1979
1979 gas mileage guide. 1979
1983 gas mileage guide : California : EPA fuel economy estimates. 1982
1983 gas mileage guide : EPA fuel economy estimates. 1982
1992 natural gas vehicle challenge : EPA emissions and fuel economy testing. 1992
1992 Subzero Engineering Conditions Conference proceedings. 1992
1992 volatility question and answer document. 1992
2000 calendar year emissions related recall report / 2002
2001 calendar year emissions related recall/service campaign report / 2002
2002 calendar year emissions related recall/service campaign report / 2003
2008 model year Durability Program equivalency factors. 2010
2015/2016 worldwide emissions standards : passenger cars and light duty vehicles / 2015
2016/2017 worldwide emissions standards : passenger cars and light duty vehicles / 2016
2017 and later model year light-duty vehicle greenhouse gas emissions and corporate average fuel economy standards : EPA response to comments / 2012
2017/2018 worldwide emissions standards : passenger cars and light duty vehicles / 2016
2018/2019 worldwide emissions standards : passenger cars and light duty vehicles / 2018
2019/2020 worldwide emissions standards : passenger cars and light duty vehicles / 2016
29. Internationales Wiener Motorensymposium : 24. - 25. April 2008 ; Veranstaltet vom Osterreichischen Vereins f ur Kraftfahrzeugtechnik ( OVK) und des Instituts f ur Verbrennungskraftmaschinen und Kraftfahrzeugbau der Technischen Universit at Wien ; in 2 B anden / 2008
42 volt technology 2002. 2002
A brief treatise on the problems associated with using one vehicle to determine the dynamometer power absorption for a second similar vehicle / 1978
A discussion of possible causes of low failure rates in decentralized I/M programs / 1987
A GIS-based modal model of automobile exhaust emissions : final report / 1998
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2013
A guide to the emissions certification procedures for alternative fuel aftermarket conversions / 1998
A method for estimating and graphically comparing the amounts of air pollution emissions attributable to automobiles, buses, commuter trains, and rail transit / 1972
A Preliminary assessment of the gaseous fuels aftermarket conversion industry / 1992
A preliminary examination of the repeatability of the heavy-duty transient dynamometer emission test / 1978
A primer on auto emissions systems for home mechanics / 1977
A primer on auto emissions systems for home mechanics / 1977
A procedure for tracking emissions growth and air quality maintenance : final report / 1977
A program to calculate size specific particulate emissions for mobile sources : a user's guide / 1985
A resistively heated catalytic converter with air injection for oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons at reduced ambient temperatures / 1989
A Roadmap to MOVES2004 / 2005
A study of emissions from 1975-1979 light-duty trucks / 1980
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