Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 133
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Perception)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A computational perspective on visual attention / 2011
A concise companion to visual culture / 2021
A survey of foreign noise effects research / 1978
Achieving greater consistency between subjective and objective risks / 1989
Acute Sulfolane Exposure Produces Temperature-Independent and Dependent Changes in Visual Evoked Potentials. 1986
Addendum to the Health consequences of sulfur oxides : a report from CHESS, 1970-1971, May 1974. 1980
Addendum to the Health consequences of sulfur oxides : a report from CHESS, 1970-1971, May 1974. 1980
Air toxics technical assistance for the state of Alaska final report / 1987
Alpha(2)-Adrenergic Mode of Action of Chlordimeform on Rat Visual Function. 1988
American People and Their Environment-1973. A Study of National Opinion and Attitudes about Environmental Problems and Their Solution for the United States Environmental Protection Agency. Volume I. 1973
American wilderness : a new history / 2007
An assessment of noise concern in other nations / 1971
An Evaluation of strategies for promoting effective radon mitigation / 1990
An examination of electric fields under EHV overhead power transmission lines / 1977
An inconvenient truth : a global warning / 2006
An Inconvenient Truth [videorecording] 2006
Analysis of noise-related auditory and associated health problems in the U.S. adult population (1971-1975) vol. 1 {MICROFICHE} 1982
Analysis of noise-related auditory and associated health problems in the U.S. adult population (1971-1975) vol. 2 {MICROFICHE} 1982
Animal pain : perception and alleviation / 1983
Annoyance, loudness, and measurement of repetitive type impulsive noise sources {Microfiche} 1981
Aqueous odor thresholds of organic pollutants in industrial effluents / 1975
Beautiful evidence / 2006
Behavioral and physiological correlates of varying noise environments : annotated bibliography / 1976
Carbon Monoxide Exposure and Human Visual Detection Thresholds. 1989
Categorical Perception for Voicing Contrasts in Normal and Lead-Treated Rhesus Monkeys: Electrophysiological Indices. 1987
Chlordimeform Produces Profound, Selective, and Transient Changes in Visual Evoked Potentials of Hooded Rats. 1984
Classification, pattern recognition, and reduction of dimensionality 1982
Climate change and tradition in a small island state : the rising tide / 2013
Communicating Effectively About Risk Magnitudes. Phase 1. 1989
Comparison of owner perceived and EPA measured fuel economy / 1977
Comparison of Public and Resource Administrator Visual Perceptions of an Outdoor Water-Based Recreation Area. 1972
Comparison of various methods for predicting the loudness and acceptability of noise / 1977
Comparison of Various Methods for Predicting the Loudness and Acceptability of Noise. Part II. Effects of Spectral Pattern and Tonal Components. 1979
Decrements in Olfactory Sensitivity Due to Ozone Exposure. 1979
Development of risk assessment methodology for surface disposal of municipal sludge / 1990
Don't even think about it : why our brains are wired to ignore climate change / 2015
Economic/Social Impact of Occupational Noise Exposure Regulations. 1976
Effect of Carbon Monoxide on Time Perception. 1973
Effect of hydrogen sulfide on fish and invertebrates. Part I, Acute and chronic toxicity studies / 1976
Effect of Intrauterine PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) Exposure on Visual Recognition Memory. 1985
Effects of limnological factors on water treatment : completion report / 1971
Effects of Noise and Hearing Acuity Upon Visual Depth Perception and Safety Among Humans. 1978
Effects of noise on people / 1971
Effects of noise on wildlife and other animals. 1971
Effects of Toluene Inhalation on Detection of Auditory Signals in Rats. 1994
Emissions of odorous aldehydes from alkyd paint 1998
Emotional intelligence at work : the untapped edge for success / 1998
Envisioning information / 1999
Envisioning information / 1990
Explaining uncertainty in health risk assessment : effects on risk perception and trust / 1994
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