Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Percutaneous Absorption of Parathion and Paraoxon. IV. Decontamination of Human Skin from Parathion.
Author Fredriksson., Torsten ;
CORP Author Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, Ga.
Year Published 1961
Stock Number PB-280 571; PB-280 565
Additional Subjects Absorption(Biology) ; Pesticides ; Industrial medicine ; Insecticides ; Labeled substances ; Tables(Data) ; Preventive medicine ; Skin(Anatomy) ; Decontamination ; Humans ; Radioactivity ; Reprints ; Parathion ; Phosphoric acid/(diethyl-ester)-(nitrophenyl-ester) ; Bioaccumulation ; Pesticide residues ; Environmental health ; Toxic substances
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-280 571 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 4p
An investigation has been made of the efficiency of a decontamination procedure in removing P32-labeled parathion from the skin surface of human volunteers. Two series of experiments were performed, the material being left on the skin for 30 and 300 minutes, respectively. The radioactivity was determined before and after the cleansing procedure, and the residue calculated as percentage of the initial count after subtraction of the background count. In the long-term group, ordinary washing with soap and water for 30 seconds left a residue of about 30% to 50%, while the residue amounted to 8% to 20% in the short-term experiment. An alcohol wash immediately after the initial cleansing still left a considerable residue--more than 10% in the 300-minute series and approximately 5% in the other series.
Included in PB-280 565, Journal articles on toxicology. Group 12.