Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Giardia' Prevalence in Commercially Trapped Mammals. 1980
1,1 - Dichloroethylene (Vinylidene chloride) / 1983
1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane : drinking water health advisory. 1989
1,1,2-Trichloroethane : drinking water health advisory. 1989
1,2,3-Trichloropropane: Drinking Water Health Advisory. 1989
1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene. 1989
1,3,5-Trichlorobenzene : drinking water health advisory. 1989
10,10'-oxybisphenoxarsine (OBPA) : reregistration document (RED). 1993
32P-Adduct Assay: Comparative Recoveries of Structurally Diverse DNA Adducts in the Various Enhancement Procedures. 1988
32P-Postlabeling Analysis of DNA Adducts in Human Sperm Cells from Smokers and Nonsmokers. 1993
40 CFR 190 environmental radiation protection requirements for normal operations of activities in the uranium fuel cycle, final environmental statement. 1976
A bibliography for lead. 1986
A computerized bibliographic literature information system for total human exposure monitoring research : project summary / 1988
A guide to principal threat and low level threat wastes / 1992
A radiological environs study at a fuel fabrication facility / 1978
A Review of ecological assessment case studies from a risk assessment perspective : volume II. 1994
A review of the impacts of climate variability and change on aeroallergens and their associated effects / 2008
A screening analysis of ambient monitoring data sets in support of the Urban Area Source Program : final report / 1994
A sensitivity analysis on the effects of serial correlation on exposure estimates / 1991
A status report on planktonic Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) and their toxins / 1992
A study of flame retardants for textiles : final report / 1976
A study of personal exposure to carbon monoxide in Denver, Colorado / 1984
A summary of the emissions characterization and noncancer respiratory effects of wood smoke / 1993
A survey of air and population lead levels in selected American communities : final report / 1972
A survey of pathogen survival during municipal solid waste and manure treatment processes / 1980
A Tiered modeling approach for assessing the risks due to sources of hazardous air pollutants / 1992
Abiotic Reduction Reactions of Anthropogenic Organic Chemicals in Anaerobic Systems: A Critical Review. 1986
Absorption characteristics of prolate spheroidal model of man and animals at and near resonance frequency / 1979
Absorption of 14C-Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane using the Flow-Through Diffusion Cell System for In Vitro Dermal Absorption in Human Skin, with Cover Letter dated 06/29/1998. 1998
Absorption of C14-Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Using the Flow-Through Diffusion Cell System for In vitro Dermal Absorp in Human Skin, Amend 1998-I0000-44368, w/Cvr Ltr Dt'd 3/25/1999. 1999
Acclimation Room for the Detection of Low Radium 226 Body Burdens. 1969
Accuracy and Precision of Matching Inspired Lung Volume. 1981
Acenaphthene : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acid aerosol deposition in the developing human lung / 1990
Acid aerosols : issue paper : draft. 1988
Acid Deposition, Trace Contaminants and Their Indirect Human Health Effects: Research Needs. 1986
Acid Precipitation: Effects of Sulfur Dioxide and Sulfate Aerosol Particles on Human Health. 1976
Acid rain : a student's first sourcebook / 1990
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 1. Atmospheric Sciences (Review Draft). 1983
Acidic Deposition Phenomenon and Its Effects: Critical Assessment Review Papers. Volume 2. 1984
Acquisition and chemical analysis of mother's milk for selected toxic substances / 1980
Acrolein : ambient water quality criteria. 1978
Acrolein health effects / 1981
Acrolein health effects {Microfiche} 1981
Acrylamide Arrests Mitosis and Preents Chromosome Migration in the Absence of Changes in Spindle Microtubules with Cover Letter Dated 04/29/1994. 1994
Acute Effects of 0.2 ppm Ozone in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. 1982
Acute Inhalation (LC50) and Human Sensory Irritation Studies of Cyclopentanone, Isophorone, Dihydroisophorone, Cyclohexanone, and Methyl Isobutyl Ketone w/Cover Letter Dated 09/28/1995. 1995
Addendum to the health assessment document for dichloromethane (methylene chloride) : updated carcinogenicity assessment of dichloromethane (methylene chloride). 1985
Addendum to the health assessment document for trichloroethylene : updated carcinogenicity assessment for trichloroethylene. 1987
Addendum to the Health consequences of sulfur oxides : a report from CHESS, 1970-1971, May 1974. 1980
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