Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Environmental Impacts of Special Types of Landfills.
Author Lord, Deborah Grant ; Beck, Jr, William W. ;
CORP Author SMC Martin, Inc., Valley Forge, PA.;Municipal Environmental Research Lab., Cincinnati, OH.
Year Published 1981
Report Number EPA-68-03-2620; EPA-600/2-81-190;
Stock Number PB82-231432
Additional Subjects Environmental impacts ; Earth fills ; Water pollution ; Monitoring ; Hills ; Mills ; Strip mining ; Leaching ; Decomposition ; Anaerobic processes ; Acidity ; Concentration(Composition) ; Sanitary landfills ; Refuse disposal ; Bales ; Evaluation ; Water wells ; Ground water ; Monitoring ; Balefill ; Alternative planning
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB82-231432 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 284p
Water quality was monitored for one year at a hillfill, a balefill, a millfill, a strip mine landfill, and a permitted sanitary landfill to determine the impact of each on water quality. The leachate generated by the hillfill was the strongest during initial decomposition. However, during the study period, it was in the final stages of anaerobic degradation and therefore was of low strength. The balefill produced a low strength leachate since this method of landfilling results in channeling of water through the landfill. The millfill generated the strongest leachate among the leachates analyzed during the study period as a result of the decomposition of the refuse which was accelerated by milling. The strip mine landfill generated a leachate of moderate strength. The permitted sanitary landfill also produced a leachate of moderate strength.