Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
... The mineral wealth of the Black Hills / 1929
A Resources study / 1967
Air Pollution and Terrain Aerodynamics: A Review of Fluid Modeling Studies at the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Fluid Modeling Facility. 1985
Basic studies of flow and diffusion over hills / 1979
Black Hills area resource conservation and development project plan 1969
Black Hills Area Resources Study. 1967
Blastomylonites associated with recumbent folds and overthrusts at the western edge of the Berkshire massif, Connecticut and Massachusetts 1975
Chronology of Paleozoic tectonic and thermal metamorphic events in Ordovician, Cambrian, and Precambrian rocks at the north end of the Berkshire massif, Massachusetts 1975
Colorado experience. Colorado's premier history series / Season 1 : 2013
Contributions of the Fluid Modeling Facility to EPA's (Environmental Protection Agency's) Complex Terrain Model Development Program. 1987
Controls on ground-water chemistry in the Horse Heaven Hills, south-central Washington 1985
Crazy Horse, dynamite & dreams. 2002
Domestic water use differences in individual well and public water supplies : report III on phase II of the Residential Water Use Research Project 1966
Economic geology of the Bishop tungsten district, California : with a section on the Pine Creek Mine / 1956
Environmental Impacts of Special Types of Landfills. 1981
Estimation of maximum surface concentrations from sources near complex terrain in neutral flow / 1989
Evaluation of the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model against Laboratory Observations: Neutral Flow over 2-D and 3-D Hills. 1987
Experimental Study of Flow and Dispersion in the Wakes of Three-Dimensional Low Hills. 1985
Experiments on Stably and Neutrally Stratified Flow Over a Model Three-Dimensional Hill. 1980
Flow and dispersion of pollutants over two-dimensional hills : summary report on Joint Soviet-American study / 1982
Flow structure and turbulent diffusion around a three-dimensional hill : fluid modeling study on effects of stratification. pt. 1, Flow structure / 1978
Fluid Modeling Applied to Atmospheric Diffusion in Complex Terrain. 1990
Fluid Modeling of Blocking and Upstream Influences of Stable Flow Over Two-Dimensional Hills. 1984
Geology and gold mineralization of the Rattlesnake Hills, Granite Mountains, Wyoming / 1996
Hayward Hills area wildlife study. 1977
Heap leach technology and potential effects in the Black Hills / 1988
Heap Leach Technology and Potential Effects in the Black Hills. 1986
Hydrology of Two Interdunal Valleys in the Nebraska Sand Hills. 1998
Measurements of diffuse solar radiation at Blue Hill observatory / 1952
Mercury, Zinc, Copper, Arsenic, Selenium, and Cyanide Content of Selected Waters and Sediment along Whitewood Creek, the Belle Fourche River, and the Cheyenne River in Western South Dakota 1973
Mineral resources of the Black Hills area, South Dakota and Wyoming / 1974
Mineralogy and Morphology of Amphiboles Observed in Soils and Rocks in El Dorado Hills, California. 2006
Minor folds and derived orientations of strain in the east flank of the Berkshire massif, Massachusetts 1975
Modeling wind distributions over complex terrain / 1979
Moderately Stable Flow Over a Three-Dimensional Hill: A Comparison of Linear Theory with Laboratory Measurements. 1991
Observations of flow around Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho / 1980
Odor issues with Veolia ES Orchard Hills Landfill and Winnebago Landfill : Ogle and Winnebago Counties, Illinois. 2010
Power plant stack plumes in complex terrain : an appraisal of current research / 1977
Recumbent folding of the Goshen and Waits River Formations, western Massachusetts 1975
Report on Hills Creek Reservoir, Lane County, Oregon : EPA Region X / 1978
Saving the prairie, two days at a time / 1974
Streamlines in Stratified Flow over a Three-Dimensional Hill. 1986
Structure of Strongly Stratified Flow over Hills: Dividing-Streamline Concept. 1985
Superfund record of decision : J & L Landfill, OU 2, Rochester Hills, MI. 1997
Superfund record of decision : J and L Landfill site, Rochester Hills, MI. 1994
Superfund record of decision : New Brighton/Arden Hills (TCAAP), MN : seventh remedial action. 1989
Superfund record of decision : New Brighton/Arden Hills, MN : fourth remedial action : amendment. 1989
Superfund record of decision : New Brighton/Arden Hills/St. Anthony, MN : fifth remedial action. 1987
Superfund record of decision : New Brighton/Arden Hills/TCAAP, MN. 1987
Superfund record of decision : New Brighton/St. Anthony, MN : IRM. 1984
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