Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Strip mining)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Balanced approach to resource extraction and creative land development associated with open-pit copper mining in Southern Arizona : [a joint project of the College of Architecture and the College of Mines of the University of Arizona / 1974
A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the eastern United States / 1981
A preliminary model to estimate the strip mine reclamation potential of selected land uses / 1984
Abandoned mine reclamation interior may have approved state shifts to noncoal projects prematurely : report to Congressional requesters / 1991
Acid Mine Drainage Abatement Measures for Selected Areas within the Susquehanna River Basin. 1968
Acid Mine Pollution Effects on Lake Biology. 1971
Acidification in the Black Triangle region : excursion, June 21-June 24, 1995 : ACID REIGN '95? : 5th International Conference on Acidic Deposition, Science and Policy : Gèoteborg, Sweden, 26-30 June 1995 : under the patronage of His Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf / 1995
Age and growth of walleyes and saugers in the Tongue River Reservoir, Montana, 1975-77 / 1980
Alaska surface coal mining program. 1985
Alluvial Valley Floors in East-Central Montana and Their Relation to Strippable Coal Reserves - A Reconnaissance Report. 1977
Alluvial valley floors in east-central Montana and their relation to strippable coal reserves : reconnaissance report / 1977
An application of ERTS technology to the evaluation of coal strip mining : and reclamation in the northern Great Plains. 1975
An environmental guide to western surface mining / 1977
An evaluation of approximate original contour and post-mining land use in Kentucky. Final report / 2000
Analysis of pollution control costs / 1974
Application of remote-sensing techniques to hydrologic studies in selected coal-mined areas of southeastern Kansas / 1984
Approaching an abandoned mine lands reclamation/development plan 1979
Area strip mine reclamation using dredged material : a field demonstration : final report / 1980
Areawide Waste Treatment and Water Quality Management Planning. Appendix C-4. The 208 Macroinvertebrate Study Report - The Effects of Acid Mine Drainage on Mean Species Diversity in Six Southern Illinois Streams. 1978
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Tongue and Powder River Basins / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Yampa and White River basins / 1980
Atlas of western surface-mined lands : coal, uranium, and phosphate / 1978
Atlas of Western surface-mined lands : coal, uranium, and phosphate / 1978
Atmosphere and temperature within a reclaimed coal-stripmine and a numerical simulation of acid mine drainage from stripmined lands / 1984
Best current practices for fish and wildlife on surface-mined lands in the eastern interior coal region 1982
Bibliography of literature pertinent to mining reclamation in arid and semi-arid environments 1972
Bibliography on disposal of mine and cleaning plant refuse / 1981
Biodiversity and Human Impacts. 1990
Black Mesa: the angel of death / 1973
Bringing down the mountains : the impact of mountaintop removal surface coal mining on southern West Virginia communities, 1970-2004 / 2007
California surface mining law : a guide to federal, state, and local requirements / 2007
Case studies of surface mining; proceedings. 1969
Case study of surface mining and reclamation planning ASARCO open pit copper mine, Casa Grande, Arizona / 1977
Case study of surface mining and reclamation planning International Minerals and Chemical Corporation, phosphate operations, Polk County, Florida / 1977
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume I: Description of Program and Industry. 1978
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume II: Environmental Permits and Approvals Relating to Phosphate Mining and Fertilizer Manufacturing in Florida. 1978
Characterization and utilization of municipal and utility sludges and ashes / 1975
Characterization of PM 10 and TSP air quality around western surface coal mines / 1982
Characterization of vegetation and drainage in strip mined land utilizing remote sensing techniques / 1979
Chemical and microbiological investigations of a surface coal mine settling pond / 1979
Coal and the environment abstract series : bibliography on mined-land reclamation / 1979
Coal mine land reclamation research, located at Decker, Montana : progress report, 1971 / 1972
Coal mine land reclamation research, located at Western Energy Company, Colstrip, Montana : progress report, 1971 / 1972
Coal surface mining reclamation and fish and wildlife relationships in the eastern United States 1981
Coal surface mining reclamation costs in the Western United States 1977
Coal surface mining, impacts of reclamation 1979
Coal-Energy Development in the Northern Great Plains. 1973
Collection of Papers Presented at the Fish Kill Investigation Seminar on 2-4 Nov 71. 1972
Comparative Limnology and Biota of Mine Spoils Ponds in Colorado (Journal Version). 1982
Comparison of alternative approaches for estimation of particulate concentrations resulting from coal strip mining activities in northeastern Wyoming 1979
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