Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog


Main Title Development of a State Water-Planning Model. Part 1. Methodology..
Author Boy, Donald W. ; William, Theodore T. ;
CORP Author Montana State Univ., Bozeman. Water Resources Research Center.
Year Published 1971
Report Number OWRR-B-029-MONT; 10641; B-029-MONT(2)
Stock Number PB-201 694
Additional Subjects ( Hydrology ; Mathematical models) ; ( Montana ; Hydrology) ; Management planning ; Systems analysis ; River asins ; Digital computers ; Computer programs ; Surveys ; FORTRAN ; FORTRAN 4 programming language
Library Call Number Additional Info Location Last
NTIS  PB-201 694 Some EPA libraries have a fiche copy filed under the call number shown. 07/26/2022
Collation 123p
Expertise from the fields of hydrology and operations research was combined to produce a 'State Water-Planning Model'. Begun in September 1968, completion is scheduled for June 1972. The mathematical model, intended for solution by digital computer, is being designed for the Montana State Water Resources Board, and will be operated in conjunction with their data bank. The combination is envisioned to provide a system which can be interrogated to determine quickly and accurately the likely effects on the State's water regime of proposed changes in management practices. This report details the methodology that was formulated to develop a State Water-Planning Model, the first phase of which encompassed the whole of Montana and included all portions of those river basins contained within its political boundaries. First, a correlation model; second, a balance model; and third, a peripheral model were developed to illustrate general and procedural guidelines. (WRSIC abstract)