Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Hydrology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"No migration" variances to the hazardous waste land disposal prohibitions a guidance manual for petitioners : draft / 1992
12th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology : January 28-February 2, 1996, Atlanta, Georgia / 1996
14th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology / 1998
15-meter LANDSAT analyses of the Mississippi River : map series from headwaters to the gulf of Mexico / 2003
1975 environmental conditions relative to shrimp production in coastal Louisiana 1975
1976 environmental conditions relative to shrimp production in coastal Louisiana 1976
1978 needs survey : cost methodology for control of combined sewer overflow and stormwater discharges / 1979
1983 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1986
1984 review of the literature on forest management practices, hydrology, and water quality protection and management / 1986
A Brief Overview of the Hydrogeology of the Major Aquifers and Aquifer Systems in Wyoming. 1994
A brief water-resources appraisal of the Truckee River basin, western Nevada, / 1973
A century of forest and wildland watershed lessons / 2004
A field-scale study of the use of paper industry sludges in landfill cover systems : final report / 1997
A framework for analyzing the hydrologic condition of watersheds / 1998
A guide to stream habitat analysis using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology / 1982
A guide to stream habitat analysis using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology / 1982
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A guide to the selection of materials for monitoring well construction and ground-water sampling / 1984
A hydrographic survey of the Galveston Bay system, Texas, 1963-66 1971
A hydrologic analysis of the New Jersey Pine Barrens region / 1970
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 2002
A lexicon of cave and karst terminology with special reference to environmental karst hydrology / 1999
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
A model for quantifying flow augmentation benefits / 1969
A numerical model of the dispersion of a dense effluent in a stream. 1970
A preliminary evaluation of hydrology and water quality near the Tacoma landfill, Pierce County, Washington / 1985
A primer on ground water 1976
A primer on water / 1960
A Process for regional assessment of wetland risk : Summary Report / 1992
A proposed streamflow data program for Missouri / 1970
A proposed streamflow data program for Nebraska / 1970
A qualitative appraisal of the hydrology of the Yemen Arab Republic from Landsat images / 1984
A radiological environs study at a fuel fabrication facility / 1978
A regional guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic approach to assessing wetland functions of Flats Wetlands in the Everglades / 2002
A review of the nonpoint source watershed model HSPF and its utility to the forest products industry / 1997
A study of estuarine pollution problems on a small unpolluted estuary and a small polluted estuary in Florida. 1966
A synoptic approach to cumulative impact assessment : a proposed methodology / 1992
A treatise on limnology / 1975
A vision for hydrologic science research : a report to the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. / 2002
A watershed approach to urban runoff : handbook for decisionmakers / 1996
Abstracts : Eleventh Conference on Great Lakes Research, held at The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 18-20, 1968. 1968
Acidic Episodes and Surface Water Chemistry: A Comparison of Northeast and Southeast Study Sites. 1987
Acidic episodes in surface waters : the state of science / 1987
Acidic Episodes in Surface Waters in Europe. 1992
Acidification of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems: Chemical Weathering. 1984
Activated carbon : solutions for improving water quality / 2013
Adapting Watershed Tools to Protect Wetlands. Wetlands and Watersheds Article No. 3. 2005
Advances in groundwater hydrology 1976
Advances in Hazardous Waste Site Alluvial Sampling. 1991
Advances in hydroscience / 1964
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