Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (AUTHOR=William AND Theodore AND T)

Select Item Title Year Published
1964 proceedings / 1965
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. 1973
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. Part 1. Methodology.. 1971
Development of a State Water-Planning Model. Part II. Peripheral Models of the Yellowstone Basin. 1972
Development of an Operations Model for Montana's Water Resources: Middle Creek Reservoir Operation. 1973
Geology and mineral resources of Fayette County, Pennsylvania 1971
Guide to designing a community water conservation program 1981
Guidelines for conducting single laboratory evaluations of biological methods / 1984
History of vacuum science : a special volume commemorating the 30th anniversary of the American Vacuum Society, 1953-1983 1984
Instrumentation and Operation of Meteorological and Stream Gaging Stations on Maynard Creek. 1971
Man and atom building a new world through nuclear technology, 1971
Organic solvents : physical properties and methods of purification / 1986
Practical guide to plant environmental audits 1985
Precision laboratory standards of mass and laboratory weights 1954
Soil survey of Marion County, Oregon 1927
Soil survey Uinta County, Wyoming / 1940
Soil survey, Thurston County, Washington. 1958
St. Joe River cutthroat trout and northern squawfish studies. 1975
Toxic warfare / 2002
Urban channel erosion : preliminary analysis 1978
Water quality studies on the Great Lakes based on carbon fourteen measurements on primary productivity 1969
Water Resources in Sourdough and Hyalite Creek Watersheds. A Comparative Study of Quality and Hydrology. 1972
Water soluble phase of number 2 fuel oil results of a laboratory mixing experiment / 1987
Water treatment data; a handbook for chemists and engineers in industry 1965

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