Record Display for the EPA National Library Catalog
RECORD NUMBER: 1 OF 1Main Title | Organic chemical manufacturing : selected processes / | |||||||||||
Author | Peterson, C. A. ; Key, J. A. ; Hobbs, F. D. ; Blackburn, J. W. ; Basdekis, H. S. | |||||||||||
CORP Author | IT Enviroscience, Knoxville, TN.;Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. | |||||||||||
Publisher | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air, Noise, and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, | |||||||||||
Year Published | 1980 | |||||||||||
Report Number | EPA/450/3-80/028E; EPA-68-02-2577 | |||||||||||
Stock Number | PB81-220592 | |||||||||||
Subjects | Organic compounds--Environmental aspects--United States ; Chemical industry--United States ; Air--Pollution--United States | |||||||||||
Additional Subjects | Chemical industry ; Organic compounds ; Air pollution control ; Industrial wastes ; Combustion products ; Manufacturing ; Standards ; Sources ; Propylene oxide ; Acrylonitriles ; Glycerin ; Acrylic acid ; Esters ; Methyl methacrylate ; Chloroprenes ; Sulfuric acid ; Methyl ethyl ketone ; Butadienes ; Acetic acid ; Fermic acid ; Ethyl acetate ; New source performance standards ; Volatile organic compounds ; Clean Air Act ; Acetic anhydride | |||||||||||
Holdings |
Collation | 578 pages : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm | |||||||||||
Abstract | EPA is developing new source performance standards under Section III of the Clean Air Act and national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants under Section 112 for volatile organic compound emissions (VOC) from organic chemical manufacturing facilities. In support of this effort, data were gathered on chemical processing routes, VOC emissions, control techniques, control costs, and environmental impacts resulting from control. These data have been analyzed and assimilated into the ten volumes comprising this report. This volume presents in-depth studies of several major organic chemical products. |
Notes | "10 of 10 volumes." "December 1980." Includes bibliographical references. EPA-450/3-80-023 -- EPA-450/3-80-027 (v. 1-5). EPA-450/3-80-028 a-e (v. 6-10). Microfiche. |
Contents Notes | v. 1. Program report -- v. 2. Process sources -- v. 3. Storage, fugitive, and secondary sources -- v. 4. Combustion control devices -- v. 5. Adsorption, condensation, and absorption devices -- v. 6-10. Selected processes. |