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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Methyl ethyl ketone)

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Select Item Title Year Published
33/50 program : fact sheets on the 17 target chemicals. 1992
90-day toxicology study in Fischer-344 rats exposed to methyl ethyl ketone : final report / 1981
90-day vapor inhalation toxicity study on methyl ethyl ketone in albino rats : Toxigenics' study 420-0305 / 1981
Acetaldehyde, acetone, methanol and methyl ethyl ketone contents of kraft mill condensates. 1995
Benzene, Ethyl Acetate and Methyl Ethyl Ketone Concentrations in Air. 1977
Biological treatment of aqueous hazardous wastes / 1987
Destruction of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) by a catalytic paint drying (infrared) device : final report / 1985
Effect of humidity on carbon adsorption performance in removing organics from contaminated air streams / 1989
Environmental profiles and hazard indices for constituents of municipal sludge : methyl ethyl ketone. 1985
Evaluation of Parts-per-Billion (PPB) Organic Cylinder Gases for Use as Audits during Hazardous Waste Trial Burn Tests. 1985
Evaluation of Propylene Carbonate in Air Logistics Center (ALC) Depainting Operations. 1994
Federal facilities toxic release and reduction initiatives fact sheet : methyl ethyl ketone. 1998
Final rept. Sep 79-Aug 81. 1982
Full-scale carbon adsorption applications study : final report / 1985
Health and environmental effects profile for methyl ethyl ketone. 1985
Health effects assessment for methyl ethyl ketone. 1989
Health effects assessment for methyl ethyl ketone. 1984
Heated Purge and Trap Method Development and Testing. 1988
Improved equipment cleaning in coated and laminated substrate manufacturing facilities (phase 2) : final report / 1995
In-House Solvent Reclamation Efforts in Air Force Maintenance Operations. 1988
Indoor air pollutants from household product sources / 1991
Indoor air pollutants from household product sources project summary / 1992
Information on Ketones from Chemical Manufacturers Association. 2000
Initial Submission: Teratologic Evaluation of Inhaled Methyl Ethyl Ketone in Rats (Final Report) with Cover Letter Dated 11/25/1991. 1991
Investigation of selected potential environmental contaminants ; Ketonic solvents : final report / 1976
Investigations of biodegradability and toxicity of organic compounds / 1979
Laboratory studies of methanol, acetone, and methyl ethyl ketone generation from kraft pulp bleaching 1994
Life cycle assessment for PC blend 2 aircraft radome depainter 1996
Light nonaqueous phase liquids / 1995
Light nonaqueous phase liquids / 1995
List of Ongoing Studies with Attached Cover Letter. 1982
Locating and estimating air emissions from sources of methyl ethyl ketone. 1994
Methyl ethyl ketone / 1993
Methyl ethyl ketone : health advisory / 1987
Methyl ethyl ketone : III. exposure aspects / 1981
Methyl ethyl ketone : IV. effects / 1981
Methyl ethyl ketone : VI. data gaps / 1981
Methyl Ethyl Ketone Toxicity Data Sheet prepared by Shell Chemical Corp. with Cover Letter. 1983
Mild Peripheral Neuropathy in Lube Oil De-Waxing Operations. 1984
Modeling of Simulated Photochemical Smog with Kinetic Mechanisms. 1983
Models and Statistical Methods for Gaseous Emission Testing of Finite Sources in Well-Mixed Chambers. 1987
Onsite solvent recovery / 1993
Organic chemical manufacturing : selected processes / 1980
Pollution prevention demonstration and evaluation of paint application equipment and alternatives to methylene chloride and methyl ethyl ketone / 1996
Pressure Sensitive Tapes and Labels: The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 and Pollution Prevention Opportunities. 1999
Proposed best demonstrated available technology (BDAT). Volume 15, Background document amendment for F002 (1,1,2-trichloroethane) and F005 (benzene 2-ethoxyethanol, and 2-nitropropane) / 1989
Radome Depainting Evaluation at Tinker Air Force Base. 1995
Solvent-Based to Waterbased Adhesive-Coated Substrate Retrofit. Volume 2. Process Overview. 1995
Substance Monitoring Summary with Attached Cover Letter. 1982
Superfund explanation of significant difference for the record of decision : Litchfield Airport Area, aka: Phoenix-Goodyear Airport, Goodyear/Avondale, AZ. 1997
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